News of War

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Artemis' Point of view

I eventually found where Erebus and his forces were gathered, once I got there, I soon realised that like we already suspected Nyx was helping him. Since I was good at hiding myself I managed to get rather close and I overheard a conversation between Nyx, Erebus, and someone else who I couldn't recognize since he had his back to me. Despite that, I was still able to sense what he was and that was enough to tell me that he was probably a spy. As I was listening to their conversation I became even more certain of that fact since Erebus asked him questions about Camp Half-Blood, and how prepared they were for the war.

I clearly heard him reply that while the camp was trying to prepare they still knew basically nothing about his plans. I knew that this information would probably make Erebus think that they would be easy to beat if they struck now and caught them by surprise. I eavesdropped on a little more of their conversation before I knew I needed to return to Olympus to inform the others of what I had learned.

I didn't hear exactly when Erebus planned on attacking, but I guessed it would probably be soon. Not long after that, I left to head back to Olympus since I would need to warn the others of what I'd heard. I knew that I still hadn't heard much about Erebus' plans, but I also didn't want to risk eavesdropping for too long for fear that one of the primordials might notice me.

I did have ways to hide myself but I couldn't keep those up forever, so it was best for me to leave and tell everyone what I'd learned. I began walking away from the scene and once I was far enough away I returned to Olympus to inform the rest of the council of what I'd overheard. I called a meeting, and once that had ended I went to Camp Half-Blood to tell my hunters what I'd found out.

When I got to camp Half-Blood, I found out that the werewolf Perseus had sent had also returned but he hadn't found out much more than I had. While I was there I saw Perseus, and I couldn't help but remember how the last few times I'd seen him I felt something that I'd never felt before. I felt that way once again as I spotted him walking away from the sword arena.

I've respected him ever since he helped Zoe and came on the quest to rescue me. As far as I knew that's all it was though. Maybe now I was starting to consider him a friend. I decided that it was best not to dwell on it since I had more important things to worry about, like what I'd overheard our enemies saying. I told Chiron that the campers needed to have a head counselor's meeting, and I told Chiron what I'd learned as well as some rather shocking news I'd learned while I was on Olympus. Before I left I also told my hunters what I'd learned.

Percy's point of view

I wasn't really surprised when Chiron called a council meeting. Unfortunately, though he'd sent Connor Stoll to tell me about it and since Calla and I were spending some time together when he came to find me he found out about my new relationship. Honestly, it didn't bother me that much, even though I knew he would probably make sure the whole camp and probably the gods found out about it.

I guess the fact that I was a werewolf probably had something to do with it, but I also knew that I would rather not have half the camp pestering me about it. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it, after all, Annabeth had moved on so why shouldn't I?

I'd guessed we'd be having a meeting since I knew that both Artemis and the wolf I'd sent had returned even if they hadn't found out much about Erebus' plans, so I assumed that the meeting was to discuss what they'd learned. Once the meeting began what Chiron said didn't really surprise me until he revealed that Artemis had learned there was a spy at camp. This caused a lot of campers to speak up wondering who it could be. Chiron got them to quiet down before continuing to tell us what he'd been told.

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