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Percy's Point of view

After we made peace with the gods we headed back to camp and informed Chiron and the campers that the gods had given their permission for the werewolves to stay in Camp Half Blood rather than just outside its borders. Once they were aware of that fact I gave the rest of the werewolves, including Jonas, permission to enter camp.

Technically I could have earlier, but I thought it was best to get the gods' permission beforehand rather than having them find out later on and be angry about it. As they were all passing through the borders Chiron brought up the subject of where they would stay in camp. I already had a pretty good idea of where they would want to stay but I didn't interrupt Chiron as he said that there weren't enough rooms in the big house for them all and that the ones who were former demigods or legacies could possibly stay in the cabins.

When he paused to think I had a quick discussion with Jonas to confirm that my idea would probably be the best option. Once we finished I told Chiron what we had decided. I think Chiron already suspected that they would eventually end up staying in the woods, he was just being polite. All werewolves are pretty much used to sleeping outside, and quite often prefer it over sleeping indoors, that may sound strange but that's just one of the many ways our wolf side influences us.

After that was settled Chiron wandered off to let us take care of ourselves, I decided that Jonas had been right when he said we should go see the rest of the werewolves to inform them of the change in leadership. It also occurred to us that Sooner or later Erebus would realize that Lycaon had failed and been defeated. That meant that he would most likely send someone or something to try and stop us once he realised that we were no longer on his side.

We knew that we would have to travel for at least several days to get to the rest of the pack. Due to that, we thought it would be best to bring a few other werewolves with us when we go So If Erebus does send something to try and stop us, we should be able to handle it without too much difficulty. I knew there were still a few things that I didn't know about being a werewolf, but I would learn over time and do my best to lead the pack, I certainly couldn't be any worse than Lycaon.

I told Chiron where we were going and picked several wolves to go with me to find the rest of the pack. After that, we left heading to where the rest of the pack was staying. Jonas had told me where the other wolves were staying and now we were headed toward Maine. I knew the wolves who were still back at camp were already starting to help camp in whatever ways they could.

I knew about one wolf who was originally born as a son of Vulcan, but he was turned before Lupa's wolves could find him. I wouldn't be too surprised if some of the wolves I will meet in Maine were also once demigods. I also knew about another wolf who was once a son of Pluto, but he had been a part of the pack since before the great prophecy was even spoken.

As we traveled we would stay out of cities as much as possible only going through them when we had to. Sometimes we would discuss the war wondering what Erebus might have planned for us but for the moment we didn't really know, Lycaon hadn't said much to the other wolves about it so whatever he had known was lost when he died.

Hopefully, we would find out more soon, so we could prepare for what was in store for us but we all knew that things might not turn out the way we want them to. Based on the prophecy it sounded like there were some bad things ahead of us but since prophecies are always rather vague we wouldn't know what those things were until they happened.

We continued traveling and the days passed without any incidents. Either Erebus hadn't realized yet that Lycaon had failed or he was just unaware that we were no longer on his side of the war. I knew that sooner or later he would send some new challenge for us, but for now, he hadn't done anything to stop us and we certainly weren't complaining. We knew this trip would have to be reasonably quick since sooner or later camp would need our help whether Erebus tries to attack there or not.

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