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Percy's point of view

After the werewolves crowded around me Lycaon began speaking to me. He asked, "Why are you so far from your camp demigod?"

I got the feeling that he was slightly curious about why I was so far from both camps. I considered lying to him, but for some reason that I'm not sure of I told him at least part of the truth. I answered, "The camps don't feel like a home to me anymore."

Lycaon and his wolves seemed slightly surprised by my answer but they didn't inquire further, I was still wondering what they could possibly want me for after all I'd never be willing to help them and if Lycaon thinks he can force me to he's in for a surprise. I still have plenty of friends and family that I would never willingly betray so I will never help Lycaon.

"What do you want me for?" I asked him even though I did have a guess for what his answer would be.

Lycaon replied, "I believe that you would make a strong member of our pack, and if the camps are no longer a home for you perhaps this will be easier than I anticipated."

"I'll never follow you! I shouted determined.

"You won't have a choice," he retorted.

I knew that there was no way to avoid being turned, but that didn't mean that afterward I would be forced to follow him. Right? At least I hoped not. I certainly didn't like the idea of becoming what I had fought against for so many years, I wouldn't want to hurt anyone especially the people I care about most. Nervousness had managed to get through my brave persona but I tried to suppress it in hopes of convincing myself that I wouldn't be a monster like Lycaon and the rest of his wolves.  When I didn't say anything else Lycaon obviously decided that he'd had enough talking and looking at the wolf on top of me said, "Jonas,"

I assumed that had to be the wolf's name but that didn't really matter at the moment since after Lycaon's command the wolf sunk its teeth into my shoulder. Not long after that, the wolf let go of me even before the wolf had let me go and gotten off me I could feel something that reminded me of when the chimera's snake tail bit me except this time I wasn't slowly dying from poison.

Honestly, as my body slowly changed it did hurt but I had been through worse. As I changed the werewolves still surrounded me. I guess they were waiting for the process to finish. Once all the pain and other stranger feelings had gone away I assumed that the process had finished and that I was now a werewolf.

Obviously, I wasn't too enthusiastic about that fact, but there wasn't anything I could do about it.  I was just contemplating what I should do next since I wasn't interested in staying there laying on the ground surrounded by werewolves. I managed to sit up before Lycaon once again spoke. He said, "I'm impressed boy, many would have fallen unconscious, or possibly even died if they couldn't handle the change."

I responded with, "I've been through worse."

Lycaon replied, "true enough I suppose, I do recall hearing that you fell into Tartarus."

I simply nodded not really interested in continuing the conversation, but there was a part of me that wasn't itching to get the Hades out of there. I guessed that was probably the new werewolf side of me. I could tell that at least some of my senses were stronger than before so I assumed that all of them probably were. 

"Follow us," Lycaon said before shifting back to his wolf form.

Did he seriously expect me to follow him without a fight? I thought incredulously. Just as the thought crossed my mind another stronger one pushed it aside. I felt the strong urge to follow Lycaon's orders, the strength of the urge caused me to follow at least part of his command by shifting to my own wolf form and let me tell you that doing it for the first time hurt like Hades. After that, I managed to shove aside the urge to obey Lycaon and got quite a good idea. I realized that if I play along for a while and then run for it Lycaon and his wolves might find it harder to find me. unfortunately, though moving on four legs instead of two took some getting used to and in the beginning, I did more stumbling around than running.

After a little while though I got the hang of it and Lycaon and the others paid less attention to me. before long I darted off to the right using as much speed as I could without tripping and falling on my face. I used every tactic I could think of to try and Avoid Lycaon tracking me. if nothing else it might slow him down. 

I ran until I felt that I was far enough away from Lycaon and his wolves that I could stop and rest for a while. In truth I wasn't that tired, probably because I was a werewolf now, but more than anything I realized that I was hungry, the thought of hunting an animal did cross my mind thanks to the fact that I was now a werewolf, since I was basically in the middle of nowhere I probably could, but even though I had just run quite some distance in the form of a wolf, I wasn't quite ready to accept what I had become.

I guess there's at least one upside to being a werewolf since I basically was one too monsters probably wouldn't come after me now.  Since I couldn't bring myself to hunt right now I managed to turn back to human, thank the gods that I wasn't naked when I changed back. I reached for the bag of supplies that I always carry with me and took out some food.

When I started eating I realized that my teeth had changed, sure when I was turning I had felt a weird feeling in my mouth, but since there was pain and weird feelings practically everywhere I hadn't really thought about what had changed.  Now though I couldn't help but wonder how much I had changed.

Sure the fact that I could change from a human to a wolf was obvious enough, and it had become clear that I could move much more quickly now along with my senses being enhanced.  Other than that, though I didn't know what had changed.  When that thought crossed my mind I became kind of curious about what I looked like now in both forms.

Becoming a werewolf hadn't caused me to lose my powers so I sensed that there was a lake nearby. I decided to head there to refill my water supply and to look and see how much I'd changed. When I got there I did just that when I looked into the water I could see that I was a lot more muscular than before, sure I had been strong before from all my years of training, but my muscles were never as obvious as they are now. My hair looked somewhat messier,  but somehow it still looked alright. Other than that and my teeth there weren't any other obvious differences in my normal appearance.

Since I was still kind of curious about what my wolf form looked like I shifted back into it in order to get a look at myself.  What wasn't entirely surprising was the fact that my fur was the same shade of black as my hair and my eyes were sea green like always. I decided to go for a swim in the lake, maybe being in the water would calm me and maybe help me come to terms with what I had become.

Normally when I enter a body of water whether it's the sea or not fish usually swarm me wanting to talk to the son of the sea god, but this time was different, the fish seemed more hesitant than usual and I could only assume that it was because I was now a werewolf.  Since I could still talk to them I tried to reassure the fish that I hadn't really changed that much so I had no intention of hurting them.

Still somewhat hesitantly the fish approached me I told them what had happened and they were sympathetic to me. after that, though it dawned on me that I was still trying to avoid my dad finding me, sure I know he cares and he hasn't done anything to hurt me but I didn't want to go back to camp yet and I certainly didn't want to be dragged into some new conflict.

I got out of the water and that's when a new thought hit me, would he still care about me once he finds out what happened? I couldn't be sure, I thought that he would still care, but I just wasn't sure. I shoved those thoughts aside and decided that I should probably keep moving to make sure Lycaon wouldn't find me and now to avoid my dad since I had most likely alerted him to my presence by entering that lake.

I started running again, just not as quickly as I was when I was running from Lycaon. I didn't have a particular destination in mind,  but somehow I eventually found myself just outside of New York. I couldn't help but think of visiting my mom and Paul,  but I didn't want to put them in danger either.

  I was pretty sure I'd lost Lycaon, but I still couldn't be one hundred percent sure. I also didn't think I was ready to reveal what I had become. I was pretty sure my mom would accept me no matter what, same with Paul, but I still had some fear that they would be disgusted by me now. I knew it was probably stupid but it was still there.

Percy Jackson the WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now