x (1) x

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* soulmate a.u *
~ your first words to your soulmate are encrypted on to your wrist until you meet him or her ~

• oh sorry •
• whatever •

You constantly have to look at those words. The semi-permanent words of the one who's destined for you.


Hah, he seems like a real sap. A good lover to have for the rest of eternity. You don't expect your soulmate to be an amazing boy. Though, to you it would be ideal that he has blond hair and blue eyes. It's also ideal that he's not a total jackass.

Unfortanately you wont be winning, no matter what you get.

You just gave up on winning when you realized that you'll be nothing more than a gardener at the Castle.

"Oh a castle worker!" One would say. "That sounds pleasant."

The only thing pleasant about that is the fact you get paid a good amount. Naturally everything else is trash. The way you're treated, the pressure factor for perfection, blah blah. You feel it would be better if you had someone to go home and snuggle up with.

Its cheesy sure. Its also all you've ever dreamed of though. Even if you're aware that my soulmate seemingly has no soul.


You suppose you shouldn't judge him by his first words. At the same time you feel as if should, because every one else has beautiful first words. Ones that they'll stand by. Ones that show few true love.

"Hers are going to be "Spectacular looking man"!"

"His were "Hello Beautiful"!"

"Mine to her were "I'm Smitten"."

And you get to reply : "He says "whatever" to me. After I tell him I'm sorry."

It shuts them up, at least.

But to say the very least: You are conflicted about whom ever your soulmate may be and you life in as a whole.


Its another day. Its not beautiful, its not terrible. Just a typical day. You walk to the castle, greet everyone you see properly, then make your way to the garden.

As you go to walk in; "Hey!" A voice shouts from behind you.

You try not to groan aloud. You turn on your heel. In front of you is your boss, Usami. The plumpish woman scurries over to you, her white hair fluttering behind her. She's holding up her pastel pink maid dress as she makes her way to your side.

"Yes Ma'am?" You sweetly reply. A pure white smile is now plastered on your face.

"Well!" She clapped her hands. "His Highness is having a party and-"

"I'm sorry to cut you off." You say curtly. "But I do not attend the royal events."

Usami nods. "I'm aware, Miss (F/N)! I'm still required to tell you."

"Well thank you anyway, Miss Usami." You say to her, then you go to walk away.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Usami squeaks.

You turn back, and try not to look annoyed. Instead you smile at Usami and give a little hum as a response.

"Well! The event is in the garden! It's Flora themed! Get the garden looking spectacular! Absolutely top notch!" Usami shouts. Then she adds:

"Please and thank you."

When your boss is gone, you let out a groan. You weren't ecstatic about having a large job to do. Unfortunately, it's just one of the many things you have to do for the job you love/hate.

You work all day, planting new plants, grooming and watering all kinds of flora. No one helps either. It's just you and your plants. Until the sun falls, you work on the garden. Usami praises you for the work you've done with a huge smile on her face.

"Miss (F/N)? Will you be attending the party?" Usami asks you, with a her signature smile.

You merely shrug. "I never really have gone to any of them. Don't see why I should go.

Usami looks around, then leans into you closely.

"The prince is soulmate hunting." Usami informs you in a low tone.

"People still do that?" You ask in a similar manner.

Usami only nods. "You should come! So people can see the pretty girl who created the venue!" The hyper active woman gleefully shouts.

A itty bitty smile spreads across your lips.

"I'll consider." You tell her sweetly.

Afterwards, the two of you part your ways. She rushes off to check on everyone else, and you head home. Your humble adobe isn't far from the castle, so you walk to and from work.

As you walk outside, you see floods of people waiting to come to this party. An unconscious smile spreads across your face.

"Maybe I will go." You mumble to yourself, and then you bolt home.

As soon as you get there, you bolt to your closet to change. You switch into a pastel (favorite color) dress, along with knee high white socks. You shove your black flats as well. Your hair goes into a bun (If it can) and a dainty heart necklace goes on.

A little make up goes on too, just for an extra touch. Its a simple light pink lipstick along with some basic white eyeshadow along with mascara.

You brush off the dress then take another look at yourself. A small sigh escapes your lungs.

"Am I doing this?" You ask yourself.

Hesitantly, you walk to your door, then grab your door handle. Suddenly, a smile spreads across your painted lips. Glee fills your whole entire body.

"Suppose I am."

And you open the door and walk to your party. Maybe something interesting will happen if you go.

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an: 930. sorry it's sHORT it's my first fanfic and  x reader but hhhh. i'm sorry. I'm sorry please enjoy.

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