x (5) x

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You and Kazuichi are walking back to the castle, with your hand in his. The two of you realized it was about to get dark. He went in and grabbed the music box he had made, and you both went on your way back.

"I made that when I was like, 16." Kazuichi randomly says.

"16 huh? You've been thinking about me for a while." You tease.

Kazuichi puffs out his cheek and scrunches his nose. "I've always wondered who my soulmate is."

"I'm sorry it's me." You say.

"Why do you say that, (F/N)? You act like you're a burden." Kazuichi states.

"I feel like I am, Kazu. Like, shouldn't you be marrying a princess?" You ask.

"Oh but (F/N) you are my pr-" He begins to smoothly say, but you quickly stop him.

"I mean a real princess. Not some gardening girl." You say, slowly loosening your grip on Kazuichis hand.

The prince grabs your hand and squeezes it tight. It's reassuring, one that says "No, you're wrong".

"I know we don't know each other super well, but I feel like I'd like a gardening girl better than some princess." Kazuichi tells you.

He lifts up your hand and he lightly kisses it. "I promise you, no matter what."

"But what about So-" You try.

"No. Matter. What." Kazuichi says, much more firmly.

You nod. By the time the two of you arrive at the castle, it's dark. It's not late, but you're tired. A small yawn escapes your lips.

"Wanna go to bed?" Kazuichi asks.

You nod. "Yeah, long day I guess." You sleepily tell him.

You go to hug him goodbye, but he stops you. "You're staying with me." Kazuichi insists.

You merely shrug. Being with Kazuichi all night doesn't sound terrible. Besides, it's much less work for you. Not having to walk to the garden every morning, how ideal.

Kazuichi takes your hand and to his room. It's a surprisingly long trek to get there, but in the end it was worth it. His bed was huge, with black sheets and fluffy grey pillows. If you had the energy, you would run and jump on to the bed. Instead, you let Kazuichi lead you there.

You collapse on the bed. Kazuichi stands beside the bed, unsure of what to do. You lazily pat the side of the bed. Kazuichi gives you a look, a confused one. Your tired mind is cloudy, so you sleepily whine:

"Just come-come lay with me!"

Kazuichi chuckles lightly. "Alrighty princess, give me a second."

He walks over to large drawers, and pulls out some pajamas and a large white t-shirt. The prince walks back over to you.

"Hey, I know you're tired but... do- do you wanna change real quick?" He whispers.

You nod. It would be wonderful to get out of your gardener attire. You practically roll off the bed, and stand. Kazuichi trots off to his bathroom to change. When he shuts the door, you strip down to your bra and underwear, and throw on the shirt that is like a dress. After a little stretch, you lay back down.

A minute or so Kazuichi checks to see if it's okay to come out. When you tel him it's safe, he comes and lays in front of you. You wrap your arms around his much more structured frame, and practically pass out like that.


You weren't waken by the blinding sunshine or your usual alarm clock. No, it was Kazuichi violently shaking you that woke you up.

"(F/N)! Wake up!" He shouts.

You groan and swat him away.

"Come on!" He whines.

"Why?" You mumble.

"Cause, I wanna do stuff with you!" The prince whines some more.

"Why me!" You sleepily shout.

Kazuichi breaks out into little giggles. "Oh you're so cute."

"Shaddup I'm not cute!" You mumble, and reach for the pillow next to you. You repeatedly (try and) smack the pinkette with the fluffy sack, but fail.

Kazuichis giggles die down. "You're right (Y/N), you're adorable!" And his giggles start up again.

You finally give in and sit up with a little huff. Your cheeks puff out, and you cross your arms.

"Alrighty grumpy pants, get changed." Kazuichi says.

The prince proceeds to practically pull you out of his bed with one hand. You stand there for a second, knees wobbly. You grip on to Kazuichis arm until you're stable enough to stand properly. When you let go, the boy starts walking away.

"Wait! Kazu! I don't have clothes." You tell him.

The pinkette turns back and looks at you. He sighs. "You're right. I'll find something, stay here."

He walks away and you sit down on his bed. You look down and fiddle with your fingers. You also spin the white cloth of the t-shirt on your fingers. The wait for Kazuichi isn't a long one, he comes back  5 minutes later with a dress in hand.

"I'm sorry it sucks." The prince says with a sigh.

"I really don't mind, now shoo." You push the prince away.

You change into the dress he gave you. It's an olive green color, with t-shirt sleeves and a slightly scooped necklineThe dress goes to right above your You look in a nearby mirror and smile. You spin around, the fabric fluttering around you in a pleasing way.

"Hey! (F/N)! You done?" Kazuichi asks from the bathroom.

"Yep!" You shout back, as you quickly flatten out your dress.

Kazuichi walks out, looking similar too you. He's dressed in a suit, the same color as your dress. Everything is the same olive color, except for his under shirt.

"You're so fancy." You tease the prince.

"Well duh! Of course I am!" Kazuichi exclaims.

You look at him and turn your head to the side. Kazuichi smiles at you then takes your hand.

"Whatcha mean of course?" You question.

"Well... we have to do something before we go have fun." Kazuichi tells you.

"And that is...?"

"The world has to meet you, (F/N)."

(1014) b a d yikes okay at least there's a plot for the next chapter

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