x (2) x

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* I'm Sorry! *
* Whatever. *
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Oh! (F/N)! You came?" Usamis squeaky voice shouts from behind you.

You turn to her and nod.

"It sounds really stupid but, I feel like something could come out of this." You tell your boss.

Usami gives you a big smile. One that says she's genuinely happy about you being at the party.

"Maybe you'll meet Prince Kazuichi~" She teases, wagging her finger at me.

"I don't want to meet a prince. They're overrated." You tell her with a playful eye roll.

"You never know Miss (F/N)!" Usami cheers. "Now let's go tell everyone that you made the venue look as spectacular as it does."

Usami grabs your hand, and drags you to different kinds of people. Some local, some royal. She would always say something along the lines of: "Hello! Are you enjoying the party?" They would nod or say something positive about the party. Usami would follow up by saying "Well here's the gal who fixed up the garden. Miss (F/N) (L/N), Castle Gardener.

Usually you would squeak out a small hello or give a little wave.

The people you were talking too would usually give a small hello back, or say something along the lines of "Thats wonderful!" Again, you just smile at them.

They would try and chat with you most of the time, but Usami would drag you away.  Depending on the person, you were either upset or grateful that she took you to another person.

The entirety of the party (For you and Usami, at least.) was bragging about the work you did on the garden.

"Well Miss (F/N), I have to go. Enjoy the last-" She looks at her watch "-5 minutes of this party." Usami says with a small giggle.

You smile and nod. Again you bid your goodbyes and she's off. You let out a small sigh, then go and sit on a bench. The  bench is laced with small vines that have beautiful white and purple blossoms.

You lightly hum to yourself, not giving a care in the world at the moment. No one was around you really. The area you were in was decently secluded anyway. Tall bushes, a little gazebo near by.

Eventually you get bored of sitting and humming, you get up.

"Who do I do this to myself?" You lightly hum, and start to dance around.

You suddenly start to think about how you could be dancing with the person you were destined to be with. Thoughts as such have been coming to you the whole night. "I could be dancing with him." "I could be talking about the garden with him." "When will I ever meet my soulmate?"

The thoughts were scaring you. You, (F/N) (L/N), thinking about soulmates. Strange is what it was. Alas, you kept dancing around the hidden area. Even though you felt as if you being watched you went on enjoying yourself.

At one point, you closed your eyes and did a little twirl. It didn't end too well. You bumped into an unknown person.

"I'm sorry!" You squeak, afraid that the person will reprimand you for being childish.

Instead, they scoff and say-

"Whatever." A grumbly and manly voice said:

You go on, not really noticing the comment he made.

"No! Really I'm being so childish!" You yell back, bowing.

"Wait- what was it you said?" The man asks.

You stare at him. "I- said I'm being so childish."

The boy smiles. His teeth are sharp, sort of like knifes. It was a sweet smile, in an odd sense. He had hair that was horribly choppy and was bright pink like bubble gum, and irises that matched his hair. Over all he was cute, maybe even handsome.

"Do you know who I am?" He asks with genuine curiosity in his smooth tone.

You stare at him and squint. There was a sense of familiarity, but you couldn't place your finger on it for the life of you.

"Wa-Wait you seriously don't know who I am!?" The boy wailed in a panic.

You only shrug in reply. "No, guess not."

"I'm the prince moron!" He shouts in your face.

You're taken aback, from him yelling in your face.

"Prince?! Moron?! Huh?!" You squeak out in confusion.

"Yes. I am Prince Kazuichi Souda. Now let me see your wrist."

"Wha-" Before you can express your shock and confusion, Souda grabs you by your wrist, the one with your soulmates and your first conversation.

He examines it, then his own wrist.

"Sir, might I ask-" You try to confront him about your current situation, but he only shuts you up.

After another full minute or two, he looks at you. Up and down. He circles around you, still looking you up and down.

"SOUDA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" You finally yell as loud as you can.

He puts his hand over your mouth. He stares daggers into your (E/C) eyes for a full 30 seconds.

"Shut up uh-"

"(F/N)" You grumble.

"Yeah sh-shut up (Y/N)!" Souda shouts with a stutter.

"Why are you looking at my soulmate wrist?" You question.

"Because-" Souda said, clearly trying to hide a smile or some form of excitement.

"(Y/N.) We're soulmates."

• • •
hahahaha cliche as heck i want end my life

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