x (3) x

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"So- I'm- You're kidding right?" You stutter.

"Nope. See if you can smudge your words off." Kazuichi says, clearly pleased .

"Smudge them off?" You mumble with a scoff. You take your thumb and rub at the word "Whatever." on your wrist. To your surprise it begins to come off. It's like accidentally rubbing ink on paper.

"Wha- What's happening?!" You yell.

"It happens when you finally meet your soulmate, doofus." Souda says like you're the stupidest person on this earth.

"Stop calling me names!" You whine.

"I-I'm sorry!" The pinkette stutters.

You snicker at the boys moodiness.

"Trying to be manly I see?" You tease. "By calling girls names!"

Souda puffs out his cheeks, and he has an adorable little pout glued on to his face. He doesn't seem genuinely mad, just mildly annoyed in a sense.

"Shut up. I've been looking for you forever." Souda mumbled, his face heating up to the color of his hair.

"Forever is a really long time." You sheepishly say.

"Well, yeah. I was hoping you would be Sonia Nevermind but you're good enough." Souda says.

"Wha- Oh come on!" You growl.

"What?!" Souda whines.

"Sorry I'm not the castle beauty!" You shout. "Sorry I'm just (F/N) (L/N)! The castle gardener!"

After a moment, you inhale again.

"It was wonderful meeting you. A dream come true. I'm sorry that you had too meet little old me." You tell him, and start walking towards the castle gate.

"Wait! (F/N)! Where are you going?!" The moody prince yells after you.

You pause and turn to him. "Home."

"Wait! Let me at least walk you there! Or give you a ride!" Souda yells in a panic.

You flash a faux smile at him. "I'm good, Your Highness." You pull out your dress and curtsy. You roll your eyes and walk away.

He bolts up to you, and grabs your shoulder. "Come on! Please!" Souda whines.

With a sigh, you give into the princes pleas. Souda flashes you the sharp smile that you've admittedly grown to like. He takes your hand and intertwines it with yours. You blush at the action.

"Am I doing this right?" Souda blurts out.

"Doing what right?" You ask, trying (and failing) to use the same angry tone you were previously using.

"Ya know-" The prince motioned at your hand-holding with his opposite hand. "-This!"

You shrug. "You can't do it wrong Souda."

Souda looks over at you. "Ya know you can call me Kazuichi." He says.

"Kazuichi. Hm." You whisper to no one in particular.

"I mean, we're gonna forcibly get married and shit like that. At least call me by my first name." Kazuichi says with a small sigh.

"Oh." You sighed. You'd secretly hoped he made the request so you two would feel closer.

You drop his hand.

"U-Uh Kazuichi I can get home myself." You mumble.

Kazuichi looks at you worried.

"H-hey! Wait! What's wrong?!" He asks.

You chuckle pathetically at him. A weak smile forms on your face.

"Like I said." You take a shaky breath. "I'm sorry you had to have me as your soulmate."

And you walked home alone.

The next day, you weren't ecstatic about going into work. You tried your best to be excused, but because you refused to explain why, you couldn't get out of it.

"Hey hey (F/N)!" A soft and sweet voice calls out. It's one of the bakers, Chiaki Nanami.

You flash her a smile, and walk over to her.

"What's up Chiaki?" You chirp, trying not to sound fake.

"I heard about you and Kazuichi." She says, almost dully.

"HOW!" You shout.

Chiaki giggles. "We're pretty close, don't-cha know?" She says with her small smile.

You puff out your cheeks in annoyance. Now everyone would know you're soulmates with The Prince of your kingdom.

"Chi? Do you think he'll actually like me?" You asked the quiet girl.

"He talked about you like he would talk about Sonia. So who knows." Chiaki replies.

Her response shocks you. Truthfully, you were expecting Chiaki to tell you that he hated you, inside and out.

"R-really!?" You squeal.

"Awe, looks like Miss (F/N) has fallen for her prince." Usami's teasing voice comes from nowhere.

"Hey! How do- you know what, nevermind." You huff.

Usami giggles, then a few seconds later straightens up.

"C'non! We can talk at lunch break. You two go to work!" Usami shouts, shoving us in our individual directions.

You wave to Chiaki as she's shoved off, and you go to you beloved garden. There's a lot to fix after the party, so you get straight to work. The routine of gardening is pretty simple. Watering, trimming, adding dirt. After hours of working, you take of your gloves off and smile at the work you've done. You sigh happily, then trot over to your favorite plant.

It's a small little aloe plant. You pick up it's little plot, and look at it with your (E/C) orbs.

"Hey (Plant Name)." You chirp. You take your little plant friend and walk over to bench.

You lay down on the ground and lift (Plant Name) above your head. You rant a little bit to your aloe, about your soulmate and about tidbits of your life.

"Ya know (plant name), I could fall in love with him. He's a prince. But he can't fall in love with me. I'm talking to a plant after all." You sigh.

Your heart felt heavy. What you said was true. You wanted to fall in love with him. You wanted to be in love with the person who was literally destined for you. Unfortunately, the man is moody. And he was into blond and foreign girls with amazing petite bodies. You didn't qualify for most of those, or any.

"Didn't know you felt that way, (F/N)." His voice cracks the silence.

You almost drop you plant. "How long were you there?!" You shriek. Your face is heating up to a temperature that it never has before.

"Almost the whole time you were talking to (Plant name)." Kazuichi casually replies.

"Uh- it's a gardening thing?" You try.

Unfortunately, it seems that your soulmate knows that you were just venting to a small aloe. Sure talking to plants was good. Just... this wasn't you talking to plants.

"Do you wanna love me, (F/N)?"

You nod.

"Am I allowed to?"

Kazuichi flashes you that toothy smile, the one you want to see for the rest of your life.

"Well I hope so."

1095 words. also okay i'm trying to get these to be long but hhhh

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