x (4) x

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"Do you wanna fall in love, (Y/N)?"

"Am I allowed to?"

"Of course!"

The conversation played back in your mind billions of times. The prince was taking you to who knows where at the moment. He didn't tell you where either. Wherever he was taking you was far off, certainly no one else knew where this place was.

"Okay (F/N). Close you eyes." Kazuichi instructs.

"Is this just a Febreeze commercial?" You jokingly ask.

"No!" The prince yells. "This place is special to me. I want it to be a surprise that's all."

In addition to closing your eyes, Kazuichi puts his hand over your eyes. He insists that he will be the perfect guide. The prince also insists that it's for the suspense.

You lightly giggle at your soulmate. "Okay, sorry Kazu."

Kazuichi stops. "Kazu?"

You nod. "Yeah! It's a nickname. Is that... is that okay?"

Kazuichi is silent for a moment. You're oblivious to what's happening, but your fear of a negative answer dissipates when he jubilantly replies:

"Well duh!"

"Oh good. You scared me there, Kazu." You breath out.

The prince chuckles. "Sorry 'bout that (Y/N). It's just... no ones really cared enough to give me a nickname."

A blush appears on your face. You can't help but smile either. The venture continues as you walk to this mystery place. The walk is long and tiring. It's even more boring with your eyes closed.

"Kazu? Are we almost there?" You ask, trying not to whine.

"No." He replies. You almost groan, but he follows up with "We are here."

The prince takes his hands of your eyes, and you open yours you rub them, blink a couple of times. You study the place. It seems to be a mechanics work shop. Little trinkets everywhere. Alarm clocks that have been redone, a couple of rockets here and there. You stare in amazement.

"Holy heck! Is this your stuff, Kazu?!" You ask the boy.

He smiles proudly and nods. "Yep! All my work!"

"Kazu! This is seriously amazing." You exclaim.

Kazuichi smiles at you, his shark like teeth gleaming. He takes your hand.

"C'mon Princess, lemme show you around." Kazuichi says with a smirk.

A pink blush spreads across your face. "P-princess?!" You squeal.

"Yeah! You need a nickname too eh?" Kazuichi replies, smirk still plastered on his face.

You lightly smack the princes arm. Your nose is scrunched, and your eyebrows are furrowed.

"Awe you're embarrassed!" Kazuichi teased.

You turn away and cross your arms. Your blushing cheeks are puffed out as well. Kazuichi places a hand on your shoulder and leans down to you.

"You'll have to get used to that, being called princess." Kazuichi whispers in your ear.

His breathy voice sends chills up your spine. Then, Kazuichi does something unexpected. He came behind you, and wrapped his arms around your waist. The Prince leans around and pecks your cheek.

"Eep! Kazuichi!" You squeak, embarrassed as ever.

"D-did I do something w-wrong?!" Kazuichi nervously asks, keeping his position.

"No! Just..." You tried thinking of the right word to use. "...Surprised? Me?" You hesitantly say.

Kazuichi begins to pull away from you. "B-but! Wait! Not in a bad way!" You choke out.

Kazuichi takes himself off of you. "No, don't worry about it (F/N). I'm gonna... be right back." He murmurs, then walks out of his workshop.

You sigh. "Oh (F/N), always messing things up." You say to yourself.

You decide to snoop around a little, curious about the things your soulmate makes. You find radios, and toy cars. Other little trinkets as such. You come across a little box though. It's different from the others. It's painted a light blue, with pastel pink ribbons painted all around the box. The box has a small golden latch on each side.

"What's this?" You whisper to yourself.

You gently lift up the latches, and peak inside. A gasp escapes you when you realize the mechanic prince made a little music box. There's a little gold ballerina in the middle. You find the knob on the back, and twist it a couple of times. A dainty little tune comes from the box. The little dancer behinds to spin around and a smile appears on your face.

"How is he so amazing?" You ask yourself quietly.

You stare in amazement. The little gold dancer begins to slow its pace, and so do the little twinkles of music. When it ends, you gently close the little box and latch it back. A content smile is spread across your face. You decide to go out and find Kazuichi.

"Kazuichi? Where are you~?" You walk out and call in a singsong tone.

"Over here." He grunts in reply.

You walk in the direction of his voice. When you find the boy, he's sitting on some grass near his little shop. You sit down right next to him.

"Hey hey. Are you still upset?" You ask.

The moody prince only scoffs and turns his cheek away from you.

"I guess so." You say with a sigh. "Well, I just wanted to say, you're really amazing at this mechanic stuff."

You place your hand on his, and give it a little squeeze. You go to stand up, but Kazuichi pulls you back down.

"You think so (F/N)?" He asks, still sounding a bit upset.

"Well yeah! I saw everything you made!" You exclaim.

"Everything?" He asks, furrowing his  pink eyebrows.

"Mhm!" You hum.

"You found my stupid music box then." He grumbles nearly inaudibly.

"Kazu, it wasn't stupid." You reassure him.

"The reason I made it is stupid then." He shoots back.

"Oh? Why'd you make it?" You automatically ask.

"No reason!" Kazuichi yells.

"Awe come on, tell me!" You playfully whine.

The shark toothed boy scrunches up his nose. "No way!"

"Pretty please?" You beg, pouting out your bottom lip and widening your eyes.

Kazuichi looks at you and snickers. "Alrighty princess." He sarcastically replies. "I made it for whom ever my soulmate may be, aka..." Kazuichi trails off

"Me...?" You finish.

He shyly nods. A grin spreads across your face and you wrap your arms around the boy. You plant your lips on his hot cheeks, kissing his cheek. You let go of him then tell him:

"It's really pretty Kazu."

"Well," He starts. The prince turns to you and grabs both of your hands.

"I had to make it fit for a princess."

1082 (; part 4 of "i can't write but here i am, writing. oh look my name is scarce and i did a double upload okay bye

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