x (8) x

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"Where are we going, Kazu?" You ask.

"Where we went the other day!" He replies.

You think for a moment. "Your workshop?"

Kazuichi nods. "Yep!"

"Is that why you got your little mechanic get up?" You ask.

"Hey!" He shouts. "I like this!"

You giggle a little at the Prince. Wordlessly, you intertwine your fingers into his. The two of you keep walking until you get to the semi remote area.

"So what are you gonna work on?" You ask the prince.

He shrugs. "I don't know. I'll probably just make another alarm or something."

You smile at him. You were excited to see his talent in work. The fact that the prince had sort of a "secret talent".

"Hey! (Y/N)! Come watch!" The boy happily exclaimed.

You trotted over to the boy, and smiled as we worked. Truly it was intriguing. He made you hold some things, which was annoying. When he was done, he proudly held it up.

"Beautiful!" You squeal.

Kazuichi grins. A light blush appears on his face. "Glad ya like it!" He exclaims.

"I like everything you do, Kazu."

Kazuichi chuckles lightly. He puts down his little creation. He wraps his arms around you.

"You're so cheesy." He whispers, and kisses you.

Every time your lips touch, you swear sparks fly. No matter how many times it happens. You love him. He makes you happy.

"Kaz~!" You whine. "I'm bored."

The pink haired boy ignores your whines. You know he has the right too, for he's working.

"Kazuichi~!" You whine again.

"Yes (Y/N), I know. This is boring as hell." Kazuichi says, not bothering to look up at you.

You puff your cheeks out and cross your arms. Until now, there have been no disadvantages to being with Kazuichi. Of course, no one really told you he did copious amounts of work.

"Kazu! C'mon let's go do something!" You exclaim. The boredom is getting painful now.

Kazuichi sighs and puts down his pen. He turns to you. He's clearly stressed out.

"I'm almost done okay? We can go to the town or something afterward okay? How about you go to the garden?"

A bright smile appears across your face. "Okay!" You exclaim.

You get up to run out, but you quickly turn back. You wrap your arms around Kazuichi and kiss his cheek. You feel his cheek tighten into a smile.

"Love you Kaz~!" You chirp as you let go of him.

"Love you more!" He yells after you, as you're skipping away.

You make your way to the garden. When you get there, you go to your favorite plant.

"(Plant Name)!" You exclaim. "I've missed you."

The tiny aloe is unresponsive, for it's a plant. You lay on the bench and talk to your plant, as if you were catching up with an old friend. You don't know how long you were talking to (Plant Name), but it was long enough for Kazuichi to finish his work. When you see him, you notice he changed into more casual clothing. You decide not to say anything.

Ruler (Kazuichi Souda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now