x (6) x

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The world has to meet you.

"Wait- what!?" You squeal.

"Yeah! Cmon, let's go and get it over with. I wanna spend the day with you."

The pinkette was saying this all too causally for your liking. Everyone knowing who you are. People may find it to be a dream come true but you did not. A quiet gardener does not need to be known to the world.

"Kazuichi! I don't wanna!" You whine. You cross your arms and pout.

The prince snickers at your childish demeanor.

"(F/N) you'll be okay." He says reassuringly.

You huff and turn away from the boy. Your cheeks are puffed out and your face is bright red. Kazuichi walks over to you and tugs at your arm. You let your arms down and he takes your hand. He gently squeezes it, while looking at you with a hopeful look.

"Fine I'll do it." You grumble.

Kazuichi grabs your face and and kisses your cheek. "Thank you times ten kazillion!"

You scoff and roll your eyes, trying not to smile. "Whatever."

Suddenly there's a knock on the doors. It echoes throughout the room, making you jump.

"Hurry up!" A booming voice shouts.

Kazuichi groans. "We're coming!"

Kazuichi holds you hand tight. You look up at him, into his caring pink eyes. Your eyes have fear sprinkled into them. Kazuichi cups your face and kisses your cheek. He lingers on for a while before letting go.

"I don't want to do it either." He mumbles in your ear. With your hand in his, he leads you to where you need to be.

Before the both of you go out, a short little man dressed in chefs cloths scurries over to you. You recognize him as Teruteru, the castles chef. Him and Kazuichi were close, which was well known, because they saw each other about every day.

"Dude, there are so many people out there." He whispers to Kazuichi. The short chef looks at you. Teruteru licked his lips and smirked as he checked you out. "My my, what a delicious entrée you are."

Kazuichi whacks Teruteru upside the head, causing you to giggle. "Cut it out!" He screeches.

"Hey, weren't you the gardener?" Teruteru asks.

Before you can reply, Kazuichi says: "She was now go away. We can talk later."

Teruteru only nods, and walks off.

"Ready to go?" Kazuichi looks down at you, and you sigh.

"No, but let's go." You mumble out, grasping onto the boys hand as tight as you can.

The big white doors open, and the bright world is revealed to you. People screaming and yelling for you and Kazuichi. You meekly smile and give a little wave. You can't help but think what they think of you. You glance over at Kazuichi, who looks bored as he waves. He must of done this billions of times. The prince leans down to you and whispers:

"I wanna go now."

"Then go?" You awkwardly reply.

Kazuichi only shrugs. He grips your hand and bolts to the door, dragging you with him. The two of you almost escape, but then the big white doors opens. A tall man with slick, black hair is there with eyes a threatening blue. He's wearing an all blue suit. Beside him is a shorter woman, with long brown hair and matching brown eyes. She's wearing an elegant off-white dress.

"Oh hello mother. Father." Kazuichi growls .

You stand there, shocked to be in the presence of the King and Queen. The King looks down at you, then over at Kazuichi.

"This is her?" He questions his son.

"Well yeah! She not good enough for you? If so then too bad!" Kazuichi spits. Without any further conversation, he takes your hand and shoves past his parents. The huge white door slammed behind you two as he stormed away with your hand in his.

He takes you down to your favorite place, the garden. You finally let go of his hand. Kazuichi looks at you, in a loving and caring way.

"Finally alone, huh?" He awkwardly says.

"It's much better with just you." You tell him with a smile.

Kazuichi returns the smile. He then puts a  hand on your face. The prince gently caresses your face. He leans in close, as if he were going to kiss you.

"I want to kiss you so bad." Kazuichi mumbles to you.

"Then do it." You whisper back, getting closer to his face in millimeters.

Kazuichi flashes you a shark-like smile, and he cups the other side of your face. You place your hands on his chest. He pulls you in gently, causing your soft lips to collide with his more chapped and rough ones. It was the first time your soulmate have ever kissed you, and it's like a fairytale. Fireworks going off in your heart. Chills going from your lips to your toes in milliseconds. Sure, you've kissed a boy or two in a dare, but it never felt like this. They never sent electric shocks throughout your body like Kazuichi does.

The unfortunate moment comes where Kazuichi has to pull away from you. When he does he's grinning like an idiot.

"I'm so in love with you, Kazuichi Souda."

You're about to lean in for another kiss, but you're quickly interrupted by a shout. You drop your hands down Kazuichis chew at a slow rate, your digits slowly tracing down his suit. Kazuichi looks where the shout came from. His eyes widen when he sees it's his clearly angered father.

"Come on Kazuichi, let's go." The King growls.

Kazuichi looks as if he's about to argue, but stops himself. He grabs your hand, and starts to walk with you.

"Nono, leave the her. Isn't she just the lowly garden worker here?"

Kazuichi looks angry, his thin eyebrows furrowed. The Queen looks at you sadly. The King drags Kazuichi away, and The Queen follows after them after giving you one last sad look. You begin to wonder one thing: Is this love going to last?

1008, wow i need a consistent word count. Anyway, sorry this took forever. Just had no ideas. i'll post tomorrow, goodbye.

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