x (7) x

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Isn't she just the lowly castle worker here?

You sit on your favorite bench, with your favorite plant next to you. The small aloe was the only thing you had at the moment, considering your soulmate was dragged away.

"Oh (Plant name), I don't wanna be just a castle worker here." You tell your plant. Hot tears well up in your eyes.

"I wanna be his soulmate. His princess! Hell his queen." You yell into the seemingly empty garden. Your tears began to spill over, and you hold back a sniffle, which only leads you to coughing.

"You will be." A soothing voice says.

You look over, then scramble to get up and off the bench. The woman lightly laughs at you.

"Ah! Queen! I'm sorry!" You squeak. You wipe your tears and try to bow.

The queen puts a hand on your shoulder, causing you to freeze.

"Don't worry, (F/N)." She says.

"Sh-shouldn't you be like... doing queen stuff?" You ask, whilst trying to hide that you were crying.

"Yes I should. My- hopefully soon to be- daughter in law is more important." She says to you, a content smile resting on her face.

You attempt to reply, but it comes out mumbles and blubbers. Kazuichis mother rests her hand on your shoulder. It makes you go numb.

"So, your name is..?"

"(F/N) (L/N)!" You spit out, in what seems like  a panic.

"(F/N) (L/N)... Very pretty name." The Queen compliments you with a smile.

"Th-thank you!" You breath out, at practically a whisper.

"Of course. So, talk to me (F/N). How did you meet my son any way?" The Queen asks.

You slightly smile at the memory. In a flash, you regain yourself, ridding of your more or less shocked demeanor.

"Well it was at the Garden Party that happened a couple days ago. Usami was dragging me around the whole time. It was funny, I wanted to meet my soulmate and no one that I was being forcibly introduced too was. So eventually Usami goes home, or to bed or whatever. I'm alone. I..." You trail off, and look around for a split second. "Came over here, actually." You finished.

You stand up. "And I was dancing and twirling to the music"

You begin dancing like you were on that night.

"I was seemingly alone, but all of a sudden-"

Like the night, you crash into an unknown person. You look up, and a smile spreads across your face.

"...I bumped into someone. I said "I'm sorry" and they said..."


Kazuichi was there, standing before you. You immediately hug him. He wraps his arms around you as well. After a while of staying like you were, you look up and him. Kazuichi looks back at you, with his shark-grin plastered on his face. The prince reaches down in an attempt to kiss you, but only reaches your nose. He kisses it sweetly and gently. Like it always does, it sends happy little sparks down your spine.

"I love you (Y/N). I really really really love you. Your my princess. I'm sorry if I made you doubt that." Kazuichi mumbles to you.

You smile. "Shut up, I love you too"

Kazuichi let's go of you, but you hold on to him. You flash him a quick smile before reaching up to kiss him. His whole body seems to tense up. A smile forms on your face.

"You guys were really meant for each other." The queen says.

You have forgotten she was there. Your face turns a brand new shade of red, and you bury your face in the Princes chest in embarrassment.

"Mooom!" Kazuichi whines. "Go away!"

You snicker into the boys chest.

"You two have fun." She says, and walks off.

Kazuichi lightly nudges you, and you look up at him.

"C'mon! Let's go do something!" He shouts.

"Like what?" You question with a giggle.

"Uh... I know!" He exclaims.

He grabs your hand, and takes you all the way to his room. By the time you get there you're breathless. You're hunched over by his big white doors trying to catch precious gulps of oxygen. Kazuichi looks over at you and snickers.

"Don't you exercise?" He asks.

"No! I'm a gardener! I don't need to!" You huff.

"Guess I'll have to carry you next time!" Kazuichi says with a wink.

A blush appears on your face. "Shut up!" A pause. "Why are we up here anyway ?" You ask.

"I'm changing, duh." The prince says like it's the most obvious thing on earth.

"Should I... Stay... Out... Here?" You awkwardly and hesitantly ask.

"Nah, nah. I trust you and crap. Try not to stare." He replies with a smirk and a wink.

You smile and roll your eyes. "Don't tell me to do the impossible." You joke.

The two of you walk in his room again. You fall on to his black bed, and your olive dress fluttering around you. Kazuichi shuffles around in his drawer. He seems to have found what he was hunting for, considering he slammed all the drawers closed.

There was some shuffling around before Kazuichi enthusiastically shouts:

"Hey, (Y/N)! Look!"

You look over at him, then immediately look away and close your eyes. Your face is burning a fiery red.

"Kazu! You are NUDE!" You squeal.

He bursts out laughing. You groan and bury your face into a nearby pillow. After a couple of seconds, you feel your side being poked.

"Are you still nude?" You mumble into the pillow.

"Not completely, princess." He replies.

You slowly and hesitantly remove the pillow from your face. When the pillow is completely removed, you see your prince looking down at you with that signature sharky smile he possesses. He has a bright yellow-green jump suit on his bottom half, the upper halves tied around his waist. His torso isn't covered. You check him out a little bit. As you do, your face becomes tinted pink.

"Like what you see~?" Kazuichi teasingly asks.

"I suppose you could say that." You reply with a giggle.

Kazuichi reaches down and kisses your cheek. He pulls away from you. The prince studies you for a moment.

"Watch out." He says.

In the midst of your confusion, he falls on top of you. Kazuichi peppers your face with little pecks and bites of love. You explode with happy little giggles. He pulls away after a couple of seconds and looks at you in your (Eye Color) eyes.

"Do you love me, (Y/N)?"

You stare into those pink eyes of his, the bubble gum orbs you fell in love with only days ago. A closed smile appears on your face.

"Yeah, yeah I think I do love you."

(1133) hi sorry this took forever to upload!!!!! i'm trying to write some one-shots and this and just skfjekbx. okay goodbye hope you enjoyed

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