x (10) x

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"I care! I love you and I was being stupid. Please stay?"


"How could he!" You grumble to yourself.

You decided to go to your favorite hiding spot, a tiny park near your house. Kazuichi knew about the cutesy little place, so maybe he would think to find you there.

You're not sure why you want him to come for you. Is it a prince saving the princess situation? Probably. No matter how mad at him you were, you loved him. You didn't want to go back though. He was being ignorant and rude and he just had to realize that.

You sit down on a stone bench. You look around at the green area. Its beautiful and peaceful. You just adored the pink daisies that sprinkled the area. They reminded you of... Kazuichi and his pretty pink eyes. You groan and cover up your face. You can't even stay mad at the stupid prince.

"Why is he always on my mind!" You groan to the plants. "He's too cute for my own good!"

"So you don't hate me?"

You tense up. You sit up from the bench, and look around. Eventually you see him. The pink prince. You stand up and run to him, and give him the biggest hug.

"I could never! I don't think I can. I love you Kaz. Even when you're being extremely problematic." You tell him.

Kazuichi kisses your cheek. When he pulls out of the hug, you pull him into a kiss. Your arms are wrapped around his neck. Kazuichi chuckles slightly into your lips. The boy pulls away, but you stay clinging on to him. 

"I'm so so gladly that I ended up with someone as amazing as you, (Y/N). I swear that no other girl would forgive me and love me again so quickly." The prince says.

You smile at him. "I never stopped loving you. You were just being... a big fat meanie." You tell him. "With reason!" You add on. "With! Reason!"

Kazuichi laughs. "Don't worry about offending me now (Y/N). I'll be kinder to you, okay? Even I'm upset. I pinky promise." Kazuichi says. He sticks out his pinky finger.

You giggle. "You don't have to keep this promise, my love. We all have feelings." You remind him as you wrap your pinky around his.

"I'll be better! I won't let this happen again, okay?" Kazuichi says.

"Okay! I promise I'll be more understanding, if this happens again." You reply.

Kazuichi grabs your face and kisses your lips. He quickly pulls away and he gazes into your eyes. The dorkiest smile is plastered on his adorable little face.

"I can't believe it (Y/N). You're too good for me." Kazuichi chuckles to himself. "And I'm a prince."

• a week later •

"So, uh, I know it's a sore subject but-"

"Just ask me."

"So uh, what are we gonna do? I mean, the castle got basically fucked."

Kazuichi snickers at your choice of words.

"I have no idea, my love. We've been chilling here, so we should just stay. It's probably the safest bet. I won't really know what's happening but, that's fine. The only information I need is that you're safe." The prince tells you.

You smile at your soulmates words. It makes you the happiest girl ever whenever he says things like that.

"Are you sure? We can probably go somewhere better if you want!" You suggest.

"Babe. Listen. We are perfectly fine here. We have been for the past, like, week. This little town house is adorable. We're gonna raise Cookie here." Kazuichi tells you proudly.

You beam at the enthusiastic prince. He returns the same brightness.

"How many times can I say it Kaz? I love you so much."

Kazuichi kisses your cheek. Suddenly he perks up.  "Hey, I gotta go out. I wanna... get Cookie some toys."

"Can I come?" You sweetly ask.

Kazuichi tenses up. "M-mind if I go alone?" He asks, seemingly panicking.

"Sure!" You chirp, disregarding his worry. You're sure he just needs some time to himself. You can't just cling on to him 24/7.

Kazuichi smiles. "Thanks love. I'll see you in like, an hour or two."

"Be safe!" You call as he walks out the door. You scurry upstairs, and into the room where Cookie resides.

"Oh goodness Cooks! Your cage is gross! Let's clean it yeah?" You say to the little creature.

You get Cookie out of his cage (not without a few battle scars) and you place him in a tall plastic box, that has his food and water inside. You move him downstairs so he won't have to hear you yelling about grossness being everywhere.

By the time you finish cleaning out the Guinea pigs cage, and get him back in, Kazuichi is done with his shopping.

"Heya babe!" Kazuichi chirps.

"Hi! Did you get him toys?" You sweetly ask.

Kazuichi nods. "Yeah, in the bag on the counter."

You skip over to the bag and dig around. You grab chewy carrots and wooden sticks. There's something else in there. that looks shiny.

"Hey Kaz? What's the shiny thing in the bag? Is that Cookies too?" You ask.

"AH! NoDontTouchThat!" Kazuichi spits as he bolts over to you and snatches the bag.

"What is it? And who is it for?" You question.

Kazuichi has a clear look of panic written on his face. He doesn't reply to anything you do or say.

"Kaz! I'll look if you don't tell me!" You taunt, reaching for the bag.

Finally the prince let's out a defeated sigh.

"I wanted this to be something nicer but..."

Kazuichi fumbles around in the white plastic bag. He grabs the thing that you noticed before. The prince takes it out. You gasp when you realize what it is.

"I was hoping to take you out, ya know, see some pretty lights and eat something good. I was also hoping to consult your parents but oh well. Oh- yeah and my own parents. Actually- heck that. I don't care what they would say, I would do this no matter what."

Kazuichi awkwardly gets down on one knee and presents the shiny ring to you. You cover your mouth in shock.

"So I was kinda sorta hoping you would-

-Marry me?"

*the kids bop version of "Wake me up" plays in the background* hi!! i wrote this last night and i'm publishing it now, in the morning (; okay lobe you guys

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