x (9) x

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The Castle is under attack.

"Excuse me?!" You exclaim.

The woman nods, and faces you towards the castle. You see people in dark clothing going in, and castle workers bolting out.

"I gotta get Kazuichi!" You yell, and run back inside.

Kazuichi is just finishing buying the little animal. He's casually walking out.

"Kazuichi! Kaz!" You yell as you run up to him.

"What what? Is something wrong?" He asks.

You stop and catch your breath.

"Kaz... Kaz the Castle..." You huff out.

"What about it?!" Kazuichi shouts.

"It's under attack." You tell him after fully regaining your breath.

"(Y-Y/N)! That's not funny!" Kazuichi yells.

"It's not a joke!" You fight back.

"Take the stupid rat while I look!" Kazuichi growls at you.

He shoves the box with the Guinea Pig into your chest and quickly stomps off. You sigh. Why didn't he believe you? He's acting very angrily towards you and you don't like it one bit.

Pushing aside your angst, you look into the little box that contains a petrified Guinea pig. You wonder what you'll name him.

"Cookie." You say outloud. "His name is Cookie."

"Thats a cute name."

You look up and see Kazuichi. He looks... different. He's not happy and bright like he usually is. His face is dark and saddened. It's expected though. His home just got attacked.

You decide to say nothing on the matter. He knows that you were right about what's going on and that's that.

"I still have my old place. We should stay there." You suggest to the prince.

"Yeah." Kazuichi huffs, clearly not interested. "Yeah good idea."

You grab the pinkettes hand, and lead the way. You know that his mood won't be like it usually is, and you're ready to deal with that. You imagine he'll remind you of when you two first met: up his own ass and semi-rude.

Eventually, after a few minutes of walking, you arrive at your little two story  house. Kazuichi examines it. You see his nose scrunch in an unpleasant way. A sigh escapes you. Guess all you can do is ignore it.

"Hey babe, can you hold this?" You gently ask, nudging the boy with the little animal box very slightly to get his attention.

"You don't have to baby me." Kazuichi grumbles.

You sigh. "I'm sorry! I just feel bad about-" You ramble, but get stopped.


You tense up.

"I'm sorry."


Just ignore it. You have to ignore it. For him.

You bend down, and grab the key from under your mat. You unlock your door and walk in, not saying a word. The prince walks in first, and you follow behind after putting the key back.

"Do you have a cage for the rat." Such venom in his voice.

"Yeah." You simply reply. "I'll get it."

You walk upstairs, to where your room, bathroom, and spare closet are. You go into the closet and grab the box that contains the large cage. It's sort of heavy, and you're having trouble lifting it on your own.

"Hey Kaz! Could you help me?" You yell with a strained voice down to the prince.

"No." He monotonously replies.

Do. Not. Scream. At. Him.

"Thanks anyway!" You shout, dragging the cage down the steps.

After dragging it down the stairs, you let out a sigh of relief and wipe your forehead.

"That was a hassle. Wanna help me build the cage?" You ask.


You force a smile on to your face. "That's fine! J-just relax."

You're not sure who you're telling to relax.  Him or yourself.

You pull out the contents of the box. A quick scan of the instructions reminds you how to build it. Building it seems to be no issue, but you wish Kaz would enjoy the fun of doing it with you. He's not in a good place now though, so you can't really lash out at him.

After the cage is built, and all the fluff and the toys are in, you take your new pet and put him in his big new home.

"Okay! That's done. I'll make some food now. Is there anything you want, babe?" You ask.

"No." He replies, as expected.

"Should I make us pasta?"


"Order pizza?"


You sigh. The anger inside you is slowly rising.

"Are you even listening?" You ask, the anger leaking from your words.


You slam your hand down on the table. Kazuichi barely looks over at you.

"That is it! I'm done trying to be nice! I'm sorry I can't make you feel any better. Oh and forgive me for trying to distract you! And I deeply apologize for giving us a place to stay! Boy, it would of been a damn sin! For you to help me out with the cage. All I've been is nice and caring and YOU COULD GIVE LESS OF A SHIT!" You scream.

That snaps him out of whatever kind of daze he was in.

"(Y/N) I-"

"I don't care! I don't CARE!" You yell.

Tears are suddenly spilling from your eyes. You stomp to the door and grab a coat. How could he all of a sudden care. Why does he only care when he messes up? He should care more...

"Where are you going?" Kazuichi asks.

"What does it matter to you?" You grumble, putting on the coat.

"I care! I love you and I was being stupid. Please stay?" Kazuichi apologies. His pink eyes are filled with worry and sorrow.

Hesitation flows through you for a split second before you scoff at the boy and shake your head.


And with that, you walk out of your house to somewhere unbeknown to you.

hi it's short and emo!! i'm sorry. please enjoy though! im very slowly working on some x reader requests so (; my Nagito fanfic is on temporary hiatus until my requests are done. okay, that's all.

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