She's a straight A student

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Rrrrrriiiiiiiing!!!!! Rrrrrriiiiiiiing!!! Rrrrrriiiiiiiing!!!!

Lia groaned. Hitting the dismiss button from her phone alarm, reading 6am.

("Sh!t, time to go to school", she thought)

She took a quick shower. Remembering her sexcapade last night. Sighing to herself, she thought of the guy she screw. It was a good fvck but there is this nagging feeling at the back of her head. She can't be guilty. The last time she had sex was when she thought her ex likes vajayjay. Which was 2 months ago which is by the way is her first.

You guest it right, she gave her virginity to her ex who turned out to be gay. Thinking about the sex they had, that was the reason he was never really hard HARD. That person may have not been really attracted to her.

After the break up, her confidence hit rock bottom. That is why she likes the attention she is getting when she makes out or flirt with guys. They're making her feel attractive.

Love is destructive. It will lure you and once you are in with your 100% that's when it will destroy you. Just like what happened to her mom and his cheating dad. And with his ex boyfriend who cheated on her with a tall, muscular wrestler.

So from now on, gone are the days of courtship and chivalry. If you want it, you get it. If you want sex, you get just that SEX. No strings attached. She will not be fooled by "love" again.

She laughed a little when she remembered the guy from the dark alley asking her if she wants to have coffee with her. Like dude?! Guys need to be reminded who is in control. She can't even remember how he looked like. Everything was blurr as she was really drunk that time.

Applying a bit of lip gloss, a little eye liner and she is set. Ready to hit the road.

"Mom, i'm going! I have a class at 8am!", putting on her shoes that goes with her uniform.

"Have fun at school!"

"I sure will!", she replied.


Entering the school premises in her red convertible, she waved as she see her bestest best friend in the whole wide world.

"Li, i have been calling you since last night!" Kylie ranted as she approach her car. "Are you aware we have a quiz in Anatomy today?"

"Nope, it doesn't matter. I will ace it anyways. I love Anatomy", she said with a wink.

Kylie has been her classmate since 5th grade. She's a total opposite. She's shy and conservative. She has long beach wave lock. Typical girl next door. But don't be fooled by her looks. Let's just say they have tried things waaaaaay beyond the line of being best friend, that is why bestest best friend haha.

Kylie groaned, rolling her eyes, "I hate you sometimes, you know?"

"Let's go Ky, I don't want to be late on this quiz. I have to keep my staight A record so I can go to Yale", smiling at her.

Dragging her by the hand, they walked the hall way of building A. She was talking animatedly to Kylie when she hit something hard. Turning around, she saw a familiar green pair of eyes looking down at her. He looks familiar but she can't put her finger on it.


The guy bent down to collect the books he dropped.

"Look where you are going next time", the guys said before walking out. Leaving her slack jawed.

"Who does he think he is?!!" recovering from shock.

Lia is always treated as a queen in this school. Girls want to be her friend and guys want to try a few things with her (if you want know what i mean). People would gossip about her but still everyone wants to be her friend. Teachers can't complain about her.

"I heard he's a transferee" a freshman offered.

(Then i"ll show him who the boss is, she thought, glint in her eyes)


"Li, please wait for me. M just borrowing a book from the library. Be ther in 15mins.",

Shoving her phone on her bag. She thought what will she do to pass the time. As if on que, she saw Jacob sitting by the big oak tree near the back of the school.

Next thing she knows, she is straddling Jacob with her clothes on. Anyone who would see them would think she is eating his face. Her tongue sliding in his mouth, tasting him. His moans encouraging him. She could feel his tongue against hers. His hands roaming all over her body inside her blazer while she is grinding over his length. He grabs her ass cheeks pressing her more against his hard length

When he is about to pull her panties to side, she placed two hands on his chest and pushed him against the tree.

"Uh-uh, not today playboy", wiggling her pointer fingers in front of his face while she keeps on rotating her hips against him. She moaned signaling she already got what she needs.

She stood up leaving him with a bad case of blue balls.

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