Queens of the Night.

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The function hall of West Side school was decorated with hanging crystals. They look like glittering icycles hanging from the ceiling. Their sparkles dance when lights hit them.

There is buffet of finger food on the side manned by one of the teachers. Crystal chairs are also arranged around tables covered in turquoise blue cloth with a lamp in the middle of them. Lively music is blasting from the speakers.

Lia sat on one of the chairs around the tables while Dylan went to the buffet table to get her a cocktail. While waiting, she texted Kylie to ask where she is.

Kylie arrived late in. She procrastinated for three hours as she is really not psyched by the idea of spending this night in school dancing. She used to love socializing events like this but now all she wants is to spend alone time trekking or going on a roadtrip. She might be becoming an introvert for all she know.

She was about to enter the building when she noticed two people inside one of the classrooms.

She approached them and recognized the other person as Jacob.

He is kissing a girl who she also recognized as on of the interns in their school. Jacob has his back on Kylie while the teacher one leg wrapped around Jacob's waist. She is leaning against the wall. He is gripping her As$ while he is thrusting his hips against hers while standing up.

Kylie stood motionless. She was planted to where she is standing. She took a sharp breath when someone walked passed her and even bumped on her.

Jenny walked in the scene and grabbed the intern's hair forcefully. She dragged her across the floor kicked her.

"Bitch! You fvcking $lut!!" Jenny screamed why she continued to hit the girl. She pulled the teacher's dress destroying it.

Recovering from shock, Jacob fumbled with his fly and tried to stop Jenny from hurting the teacher.

Jenny gave Jacob a resounding slap so loud it turned Jacob's face and left a red hand- shape welt on it.

"Whatever this that we have? We're over!" Jenny announced crying because of anger.

Jenny grabbed Kylie's hand on her way out and walked out of the building. They went straight to Jenny's car. They just sat there not talking.

"Kylie, I'm sorry. I did not mean to destroy your relationship with Cassandra." Jenny said looking at her.

Kylie was just silent.

"I was just really jealous with what the two of you have. I'm so pathetic. I tried looking for her in Facebook and I found her brother's account. It turned out she doesn't have Facebook..." Jenny continued. "I shoot his brother a message and wrote everything that I kissed you to make her mad at you and that you were just talking to me that time in Maui for closure."

"Did he respond?" Kylie asked really hopefull.

"No, I'm sorry Kylie" Jenny apologized. "I know I'm being selfish but do you want to give us another another chance?"

Kylie can't believe she is hearing this from Jenny. If she asked her this before she met Cassie, you would have jumped on the opportunity but now she has her mind set. "I will go back to Maui after the school year and I will win Cassie back. I love her and I know she loves me with no conditions and competition."

Kylie stepped out the vehicle and went to the washroom to retouch. Relief flooding her system


"Sorry Li. I'm late", Kylie said looking gorgeous in her white dress. She kissed her on the cheek and sat across her.

Almost everyone is on the dance floor grooving with the music and that includes Kylie, Lia and Dylan. They even saw Mr. Woods their math teacher dancing shamelessly.

Suddenly a more mellow tune played.Dylan and Lia sat down and followed Kylie who went back to her seat.

They are playing a minus one version of "I don't wanna miss a thing" by Aerosmith.

The girl in the lacy black dress grabbed the microphone and tapped the head to check the sound.

"I dedicate this song to the fairy princess in the white dress. Kylie I miss you everyday. This is for you", she said then started singing her own cover of the song

Kylie was shock to see Cassie on the stage in a cute black dress. She has her hands on her mouth. Tears leaking freely on her face. Good thing her mascara is waterproof.

After the song number from Cassie, they played "Take my breath away" by Berlin.

Cassie approached Kylie and wiped the tears in her eyes using her thumb. "God, I miss you!" she admitted.

"I'm sorry Cass. It wasn't my intetion to hurt you. Jenny was----"

"Shhhh, I know. She told me everything and even if she did not I would still be here. Because I love you" Cassie confessed.

Lia is watching them with happiness. She is happy for Kylie. Finally she has Cassie with her.

That night Kylie and Cassie were declared Queens of the Night. This is the first time it happened in their school but nonetheless everyone is happy for them.


Kylie has her back on Cassie who is laying down on her bed while she remove the make up from her face.

Cassie confessed to Kylie how she missed her everyday and how she tried to catch her flight that day but was not successful in doing so. She searched for Lia from Jenny's friend list using his brother's account and they communicated to plan this night for Kylie.

"Are you going to stay here for good?", Kylie asked. She is secretly hoping for her to say yes.

Cassie turned to her and rested her head on her arms. "No, but I promise to visit you every time I get the chance."

She noticed the sadness in Kylie's eyes as she approached her. "Don't be sad babe. We'll do FaceTime and we'll see each other often. You will never feel that we are far from each other", Cassie explained.

She turned Kylie's chair to face her. And held her by her cheeks and leaned it to kiss her.

Kylie parted her lips to give way to Cassie's agressive tongue and sucked on it. They were both panting afterwards.

Kylie's dress pooled on her feet after she unzipped it. She grabbed the towel and walked towards her private bathroom. "You coming?", she asked Cassie with a mischievous smile on her lips.

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