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AN: The place.

"Lia Tresner please"

"She is in room 23", the lady in the front desk answered.

He took the stairs instead of the elevator since he is in a hurry. He rang the door. A grumpy Kylie in pink pyjamas answered it. "It's just 6 am!"

"I'm sorry Kylie but is Lia there?"

"Of course she's here. Like I said it's just 6am" Kylie rolled her eyes at him. "Li, Ryan's here! Dunno why!"

Lia stumbled out of bed going to the door. Ryan is standing in the doorway with a smirk on his face.

"Ryan, where's Liam? He's supposed to be with you right?", Lia asked. Rubbing the sleepiness out of her eye.

"He's still sleeping. He had been drinking last night. I was wondering if you want to go surfing with me?"

Kylie gave her a questioning look. Lia just shaked her head.

"I can't uhmmm I already have plans."

"How bout dinner?" Ryan insisted.

"No can do"

Suddenly, Ryan trapped her. His arms on either side of her face leaning against the wall.

"You can't tease me forever. I will have you on my bed", Ryan whispered. He kissed her on the neck before leaving.

"I will pick you up at 8pm.", Ryan shouted before descending the stairs.

Lia was slack jawed. He want to call Liam and tell him about how Ryan is acting around her but he doesn't want to compromise his brother's friendship with him.

It is her fault for leading him on. Letting him kiss her when his brother is not around. Even making out in his car one time. Now he is getting out of control.

Lia can't believe this is happening to her after being hurt by his boyfriend coming out of the closet. Dylan already thinks she is a whore and he doesn't even know that she did a one night stand. And there is also this bet with him involved. Then Ryan is obsessing in getting her to bed with him. Then Jacob too following up on the bet. Lia can already see this exploding on his face.

All she wants was to enjoy life after being prim and proper for a long time. She realized she needs to let lose after the break up. But look at where it got her. All the flirting and make out sessions she did, it is all coming back to haunt her.

"Lia? Come on let's just have a stroll it will make the both of us feel better", Kylie said in a soothing voice.


Kylie helped Lia zip up her rash guard. "Are you sure you want to go Kayaking alone?"

"Yes, it is 8am the sun is bright. This is perfect. I will just check out the island and also the limestone formation. It's cool"

Kylie spread her green sarong on the white powdery sand while watching Lia make arrangement with renting a Kayak.

She felt Lia's phone rang and saw Dylan's name registered. Knowing Lia wouldn't mind she answered it.

"Hey Lia is currently unavailable. We are here near the beach. What? You are here..." she turned to her left and saw Dylan waving his hand to her. And then put his forefinger on his lips, a signal for her to sush up.

Lia is already on the kayak. The kayak she rented is for two since there is no other kayaks available. She already getting ready to paddle it to the open sea. She was just waiting for the crew to give her a little jumpstart by pushing it a bit so as for the boat not to turn over.

Kylie nodded while watching Dylan sneak behind Lia. Dylan pushed the kayak instead and then stealthily positioned himself behind Lia then started paddling.

Lia turned around just in time to Dylan paddle the kayak away from the shore giving her a smirk.

"What are you doing here?!", her blood pressure already spiking.

Dylan just kept on paddling ignoring Lia's question and also her glare.

Lia just turned her back on Dylan and enjoyed the scenery instead. The lush green and the turquoise water calming her. She was in awe with the towering marble cliffs surrounding the two off them. Limestones and rock formation built by nature stands side by side looking like a wall separating them from the rest of the world.

The salty breeze lightly blowing on their face. They move steadily while she and Dylan paddles every now and then. The sky was so blue with large cotton like cloud.

Dylan stopped paddling when they were inside a small lagoon. He was just observing Lia watching a school of fish swimming beneath the water surrounding them. You can see them clearly through the turquoise water.

"Lia, I'm sorry. I don't want to explain because there is really no excuse for ny behavior. But I want you to know that I regret every single insulting word I have told you." Dylan said looking at her. "I shouldn't have judged you."

Lia was just quiet for a while. Her hands was just playing with the still water of the lagoon. Suddenly she splashed it to Dylan's face and then smiled. "I understand. I am not going to say it is okay but I accept your apology."


"You're not that bad Dylan. Friends!"

They shook hand but accidentally Lia got out of balance and the kayak tipped over. They both fell into the water. They emerged laughing.

Dylan tried to help Lia get on the boat again. He grabbed the straps of her life vest but Lia ended up crashing on his chest.

Lia gasped. Dylan suddenly was motionless looking at her face as if memorizing every detail. He can feel Lia's chest expanding whenever she inhales. He wants to just fill the gap. Grab her by the neck and taste her lips but he does not want to compromise this friendship they have just started.

On the other hand, Lia can feel Dylan's breath lightly fanning on her face. He smells like mints. She want to lean in and taste him. Just a nibble, just to know if he tastes like the way he smelled.

They both were startled by a beeping sound. It was Lia's G-shock signalling it is already 10am.

"Let's push it near the rock so we can both climb on it?" she suggested. They can feel the tension in the air while they swam while pushing the kayak near the islet.

"Lia, do you want to go out with me tonight."

"Bar hopping?", Lia asked excitedly.

"I am thinking more of a chill night, since come Friday there will be this Spring break party, but if you want to go bar---"

"I would love to. I mean, I am okay to chill with you", Lia replied blushing.

Dylan can't keep her eyes away from Lia. She looks so cute and innocent though he knows first hand she can also be seductive and sexy when she's drunk. Or when she wants to. His thoughts drifting to that night in the dark alley. Good thing they are still in the water or she would have seen him getting a hard on and he would have a hard time explaining it.

Lia reached out and touched his cheeks, just near under his left eye, "what happened? You have a light bruise. Does it hurt?" she asked concerned.

He winced feeling her cold fingers. "I got into a fight,you should have seen the other guy's face......naah! My phone fell on my face.

They both burst out laughing.

(A/N: I am really not familiar how Spring break works, so I will just invent lol)

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