Cold war

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Picture of Dylan Graves on the cover. 😍😍😍

Lia opened her messenger to see that he was added to a group titled "Lia's Pretty Little Game". She opened the group chat with her confusion etched on her face.

JACOB- "Let's have witnesses here Li. Guys! Lia Tresner here said he can make Dylan" Serious Guy" Graves sleep with her and be her boyfriend. If she is succesful, wwe'll make a recommendation to get her to Yale. Coutesy of my mom."

If unsuccessful, she will sleep with me instead in her room in her pink bed"

KYLIE- what the fvck Jacob?!

RIO - this is interesting...😁😁😁

JEFF - I'm going to monitor this progress!

Lia did not even bother the entire thread. They are all just being pigs about it. And she is going to win it anyways.

Dylan seemed to be warming up to him already. He is even teasing her last night when before he won't even look at her.



Dylan was walking when she saw Lia walking wearing a cute loose knitted sweater and a skinny jeans. She looked at him and smiled. She was about to approach him but then he suddenty averted his eyes and walked the other way.

Lia stopped walking. Confusion etched on her face. "What's up with that?!" she thought to herself.

She was about to send him an SMS. When Kylie suddenly bumped her shoulders. She almost dropped her phone.

"Hey, you look like you have a Math problem you can solve", Kylie teased.

"Yeah you can say that..", Lia replied still thinking about Dylan's reaction.

"So...?", Kylie started waiting for her to continue.

"What do you mean so?"

"So what happened?! I've heard Dylan went to your place... Did we already win this game?"

"Well it is harder than you think. It's a puzzle. This guy he was really nice. I have to admit he is really hot but now he is back to being cold to me like Elsa?", Lia explained.

"Hot?! Really? Maybe if he loose the knitted vest and black shiny shoes I feel like he is a substitute teacher here who is on an internship. And by the way who is Elsa?", Kylie argued.

Lia just laughed. Who doesn't know Elsa?

"Come on, Ky. Let's just grab our things and let's go this meeting we are having about the trip for Springbreak."


They entered the room with about 20 people. Mostly from the soccer team and cheer squad. Some are from nerd group + hot nerd Dylan. All eyes were on them since they were a bit late.

Lia saw Dylan looked at her but then drop his stare to his notes. Feighning interest.

Kylie was giving her a recap of the meeting while she is trying to list it.

"...Maui, Hawaii..for 5 days."

She saw Dylan was about leave. She ran after her.

"Hey Dylan! Dylan!.." her foot caught on a step on a stair. She fell on her knees. Her jeans ripped on the knees.

Dylan turned around and just looked at her with question in his eyes. "Yes?"

"Nothing!" she exclaimed then fixed her notebook then left Dylan.

Lia was so mad but she needs to work this out fast. She knows she can get to Yale on her own but a little push can secure her spot. Lock and loaded.

Swallowing her pride. She sent Dylan a message "Hi, do you want 2 see movie later since it is a Friday."

She kept on checking her phone waiting for his reply. After a long 10 minutes.

"I already have plans"

"Arrrgh, i hate you! I hate you!", she screamed on her phone. Talking to the SMS.

"Hey, you going nuts?"

Looking up she saw a pair of gray eyes same as hers.

"OMG!, Liam!!!", hugging her older brother. "I haven't see in ages"

"I am on a trip with Ryan. We will stay in the house for 2 days. Then we'll go to Hawaii."

"Are you serious? Our Spring break trip is in Hawaii! Maybe we'll see each other there" Lia said.

Then she saw him. His brother's bestfriend, Ryan Cole. Her crush since 5th grade. He is also his first kiss.

"Hi,'ve grown."

(This is going to be exciting. Lia thought.)


I don't know how to put casts so.


Dave Franco as Dylan Graves
Lucy Hale  as Lia Tresner
Ashley Benson as Kylie
Jackson Rathbone as Ryan Cole
Taylor Lautner as Jacob

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