Kylie and Cassie

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A/N: Brooklyn Decker as Cassandra/Cassie. Just imagine her with ink 😊


Kylie and Lia's phone is buzzing non-stop the following day.

Kylie is not her usual self. She has been moping around ever since she saw Jenny and Jacob in the pool. Jealousy, crept up in her though she kept telling herself that she doesn't have the right since they are not together. Yet.

She woke up early in the morning. She wants to take her mind off of Jenny. She's supposed to be enjoying this Springbreak trip.

Pulling out an item of clothing from her luggage, she went into the bathroom and changed. She lather some sunblock all over her body.She wore red halter bikini top with gold beads at the end of the strings and paired in with a red string bikini bottom that goes with it. Then, she wore a white cover up made of sheer fabric on it. She pulled up her hair in a messy bun. Soft tendrils framing her hair. Finally, she applied a tinted lip gloss.

She decided to leave her phone and went for a stroll and look for activities she can focus on while waiting for big party on Friday. She brought her camera instead to capture some photos for her scrap book.

As soon as she was out of the room, she's glad she decided to do this. The air is refreshing and the soft waves always calms her down.

She started taking snapshots of people and sceneries around her. She took a photo of a child and her mom in a cute matching bikini. A photo of the ocean with it's beautiful blue color in contrast with the white sand. A photo of some guys playing Frisbee.

She sat on a bench near a shop eating avocado ice-cream. Savoring it's icy goodness, she notice the shop beside her is tattoo shop. She ventured inside to check out the designs and photos of people who had gotten their selves a tattoo plastered on the walls of the shop.

"Food is not allowed inside", a lady with beach blond waves warned her. She is wearing a white crop top and a distressed booty shorts showing off inks curling at the side of hips.

"Oh i am sorry." Kylie replied throwing the ice cream cone in the trash bin.

The lady is sexy. Flat abs curvy hips and nice pair of t!ts, Kylie observed. She is bent down over a guy getting a tattoo on his chest. Her face scrunched up in concentration which draws Kylie in.

"You wanna get inked, babe?", the lady asked.

Kylie was surprised with the endearment but she liked it. She felt her stomach tightened just with that simple word. The lady coughed to get Kylie's attention. Blinking, she saw the lady looking at her with eyebrows questioning her. "O her eyes are blue, just like Jenny's ", Kylie thought to herself when she realized she has not answered her.

"Yeah uhmmm, ahh just a small one nothing too big or exaggerated. I am a minimalist." she stuttered.

"First timer?" the lady asked with a kind smile. "I am Cassandra. You can call me Cassie."

Kylie nodded shyly. "Kylie"

Cassie gave her a catalog with designs while she finishes the guy's tattoo. Kylie sat down on one of the bench inside the shop and flipped through the catalog. She would steal glances towards Cassie and observe her hand holding the needle dragging it on the guy's skin making long strokes permanently marking him. "She's sexy and confident" she thought.

Cassie caught her looking at her and smiled. "I like your tan and the ink it's so sexy." Kylie explained nervously. "What the hell Kylie!", she scolded herself in her mind.

Cassie stood up and give the guy a band-aid. She motioned for Kylie to sit on the bench and asked what she wants on her skin. A few minutes after of describing what the design is and where exactly she wants it to be, they started working.

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