The Weekend Flirt

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Lia Tresner picture on the cover.

Dylan can't help but think about Lia. He has been ignoring her. He needs to steer clear from her.

He is on his way to his friends meeting place. He is going to meet his bestfriend Wren and brother Dave.

It has been a week since they have seen each other. Though he doesn't mind this being a weekly thing. He is learning from them.

They wanted to mentor him. How to make use of his "charms" as what his brother wants to put it.

First they helped him with how he dresses. Before all he had are polos and slacks. He doesn't even know what slim fit is.

They even got him to pick up a girl last week. Not that he is complaining. There had been a dry spell lately. After his girlfriend broke up with him. It was an agreement since, she is going to London. They both do not believe in LDR.

"Hey there little bro", his brother said upon seeing him enter the bar.


Lia is inside her room on her bed reading a book when suddenly her bed dipped on the side. Looking up from the book she was reading she saw Ryan sitting next to her.

"Li, let's go out"

"Nope, I'm busy." she turned her back on him.

He grabbed the book she is reading. Lia tried to take it back but Ryan's arms are so long, she can't reach. She ended up hugging him.

He stared at her. Slowly he dropped the book and held her cheeks. "God, you are still very beautiful...if only Liam is not your brother."

He kissed her. A chaste kiss. Tentative at first then he opened his mouth. She gasp then close her eyes. The kiss deepened.

"You taste good Li. I wonder how you taste when I go down on you..", Lia just moaned in reply resuming their kiss. He pulled away. Lia saw the lust in his eyes. A promise of a night filled passionate sex.

"I'll get ready, let's just go to the bar before we start doing something we will both regret..." He said then he left Lia hot and bothered.

Liam whistled upon seeing Lia in a red dress. He just like teasing his sister. Lia blushed under Ryan's stare. She can see attraction in his eyes.

"She looks amazing, Liam."

"Shut up Ryan. She's my sister", Liam laughed elbowing Ryan on the ribs.


Liam brought them to this cozy accoustic bar.

Ryan kept stealing glances and kept on checking out Lia. He pretended to reach his shot then lean in to her then whispered. "I want you".

Lia just smiled at him. And told him. "You should tell my brother that", she teased.

Ryan just laughed.

Across the room, Dylan has his eyes on the trio since they came in the bar. He is watching Lia from a corner flirting with two guys. The three of them is in deep conversation.

The guy with the same raven hair as Lia leaned in and whispered something. Lia blushed and laughed. She hit the guy playfully on the arm. The other guy's hand travelled to Lia's hips making small circles on it. The other guy is oblivious to it.

He felt an unexplained annoyance towards the guy but more on Lia. There is nothing more he wants to do but go there and drag her ass out of this bar and lock her in his car. She looks sexy in her red dress. Her eyes are so lively. She really looks interested in whatever these guys are telling her.

"Look who's here Dylan..", Dave said.

"I think this is her favorite place Dylan. You mentioned she goes to your school right?" Wren asked.

Dave had to repeat his name multiple times before Dylan was able to peel his eyes from staring at the trio across the bar.

"Dylan, I thought she is not your type"

"She's not. I am just curious. If she is hooking up with the both them. She's adventurous anyways." he scoffed.

Wren just looked at Dave with eyes brows raised and pursed his lips. Dave just shrugged. As far as Dave is concern, he thinks Dylan has the hots for the cute chick in the red dress.

Dylan is serious when it comes to relationship. He is the conservative type. Dave was actually surprised he is interested with this girl. Knowing first hand that this girl is waaaay far from being conservative. She maybe going with two guys tonight for all we know but the look on his brother's eyes is something that Dave is very familiar with.

He knows his brother likes this girl. And he also knows, his brother is pissed off for feeling that way that he will not admit it.

Liam excused himself and went to the washroom. Ryan took advantage of the situation and pulled Lia by the arm. He kissed her and grabbed her by the waist. She bit his bottom lip then let him put his tongue inside her mouth.

Lia slowly opened her eyes heavy with lust. She noticed a guy looking at her.

She recognized it to be Dylan. She was surprised to see Dylan staring at her. Panicking he pushed Ryan off her. Ryan was confused but his confusion turned into relief as he saw Liam coming out from the men's washroom lobby. Thinking that was the reason Lia pushed her, he just smiled inwardly.

Lia was so worried about what Dylan was thinking. He looked pissed. Though as far he is concern, he has been avoiding her.

"I have to go. I have an early class tomorrow", Dylan told Wren and Dave.

"You sure you can drive?"


Lia saw Dylan leaving. After a few seconds of having an internal battle whether she should follow Dylan or not. She excued herself and followed Dylan to his car. He was about to start his car when Lia suddenly entered and sat on the front seat.

"You should lock your doors, you know"

Dylan was just staring at her. After a almost a minute of stare off. Lia backed down and sighed. "You were ignoring me and now you look as if you are pissed because of me."

"What are you doing here? Did the two guys not interesting enough for you? Or they did not agree on a threesome?, Dylan told her matter of factly.

Speechless, she just looked at him wide eyed. She can't believe she has just been insulted by this person. She felt hot tears were about to fall.

"You don't know me" she said almost a whisper. She got off the car and went back inside restaurant.

"Stupid!! Stupid!!!, Dylan cried slamming his hands and head on the steering wheel.

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