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The dust floating in Lia's room looks like it's suspended by time. It moves in slow motion against the sunlight shining through the windows while Lia is pacing back and forth in front of Kylie who is holding a tiny stick in her hands.

"How many have you tried?" Kylie asked concern etched on her sun-kissed face.

"Just two." Lia replied biting her fingernails. "I dunno what to do Kylie" she admitted already on the verge of crying. She stopped in front of Kylie and knelt down in front of her. She burried her face on Kylie's lap.

Kylie stared at the pregnancy stick on her hand. The two red lines bright and clear against the white background. She placed it on Lia's bedside table.

Delayed by a week in getting her period, Lia bought a generic pregnancy test kit to confirm her suspicions. When she saw the glaring two red lines, she bought 1 more. She even chose the most expensive one.

"What did Dylan say?" Kylie asked.

"I haven't told anyone but you. I don't know if Dylan's going to be okay about this." Lia's voice is trembling. She can feel her intestines in knots.

"Let's call him." Kylie decided.

"NO!" Lia almost shouted. "No."

"We are not talking to each other. I caught him flirting with a girl last week in Starbucks. We haven't talked to each other since." Lia explained. "What if we can't fix us anymore Ky?"

"Dylan loves you Lia. We have proven that so many times. I'm sure you guys can still fix your relationship." Kylie assured her while stroking her hair.

"What if he doesn't want a baby..." Lia asked whispering playing with her bracelet.

"Then we will raise this beautiful kid with Cassie." Kylie smiled warmly comforting Lia. "Let's see an OB tomorrow?"


"I don't know what to do. I can't tell her what's going on between us." Dylan said his forehead creased with worry.

Harley just smiled and held Dylan's hand. "I know. Don't worry this is almost over. Just two days and we can be honest with Lia."

Dylan rested his chin on his arms over the table and sigh. He hopes that by graduation Lia can accept whatever decision he is making. It's for the future.

"Is everything ready though?" he asked.

"Yes! Down to the last detail honey." Harley replied wiggling her eyebrows teasing him.

"Thank God for this girl."

"Anyways, I'll be at your graduation tomorrow. Just for goodluck and for everything to go smoothly. Ayt?" Harley suggested. "I'll make sure this time Lia will not see me." She reached out and held his cheek.

Dylan nodded and closed his eyes. He's really nervous about talking to Lia especially it's their graduation.

"So, this is the girl..." Kylie commented out of nowhere. She is standing next to the two of them in the café near the school.

Dylan and Harley pulled away from each other immediately.

"I thought you are better that the other guys. Hell, Lia thought you are better than the other guys." Kylie said anger evident in her voice. "You better fix this Dylan. What's you plan with Lia.

"I know what I'm doing Kyls."

"Don't Kyls me!" Kylie shouted earning glances from the people from the other table. "I want to punch a hole on your face right now."

"Calm down Kylie." Harley reached for her hand but she smack her hand away from her.

"Don't touch me."

"Come on Kylie. Let me explain." Dylan pleaded.

"You have three minutes..."  Setting the timer on her watch, Kylie sat down beside the two.

"Here's what I happen, I didn't know...." Dylan started.

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