I'm Falling In Love... and It's ARRANGED!? (*11*)

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Chapter 11


(Jeremy's P.O.V)

I looked around at all the students walking about; this whole career fair was seriously a big deal to some....

Me on the other hand, I was just amused by it all. Like seriously, since when does it matter what we do after we graduate? It's not like we go on right into a career after high school. Where's the fun in that!?

"Mr. Burton? Is that you?"

I turned around to see a suspicious Mrs. Andrews staring at me, and I realized I was supposed to be sitting with her this very moment and going over my "options".

Instead, I had chosen to skip that particular meeting and see what all the fuss was about.

"Uh, Mrs. Andrews. What brings you here..." I mumbled stupidly, caught and kind of embarrassed.

"I'm the school guidance councilor, Jeremy." She replied dryly.

I nodded my head and looked around desperately for some excuse to walk away, but it was easier said than done.

"Just what brought you out here... it's hard to believe Jeremy Burton would attend one of these." She said, looking around at all the exhibitions students had set up.

I had no idea myself, other than wanting to not talk to her about how I'd messed everything up and could possibly not graduate high school.

She waited patiently for n answer, when none came she went back into guidance councilor mode.

"We still need to talk, Jeremy. This time, you can decide when's the best time." And with that, she turned and walked away. Leaving me to think of what she'd asked me to do.

The only problem however, was my life at the moment. I had other more important things to worry about.

My cell started ringing that very moment and I quickly answered it.


"It's me; I looked into what you asked me to. His name's Casey Luongo, and trust me... he's not just some guy, Jeremy. He's a legacy, his family name alone has power."

It was the private investigator.

"When can I meet you?" I asked.

There was a pause, and I waited impatiently while wondering the whole time how I hadn't known.

It was obvious by the way the guy had spoken that day at the hospital; he'd made it uncomfortable just standing there in the room. And the way he'd looked at Emelyne.

It had been to possessive, to awkward.

There was definitely something going on.

"We can meet same place as before, but you'll have to be discreet this time. I've actually never worked on something this big, I could lose my job." The P.I finally explained.

I laughed at the stupidity of the P.I.

"It's your every day job. How can you possibly lose it doing the same thing you do every day?" I asked.

"Because you're underestimating the power the Luongos have."


(Casey's P.O.V)

I snatched my jacket out of my mother's hands for the tenth time and sighed, shoving it back into the large duffle bag on my bed.

I'm Falling In Love ... and It's ARRANGED!? (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now