ċһѧƿṭєя 1: ʟȏṡṭ ıṅ ṭһȏȗɢһt

149 6 25


"OuuCHH!" I winced as my friend Sunni tightened the back zipper of my dress. "Not so tight please, you almost cut my skin!"

Sunni was startled and taken aback when I jumped a bit from the sudden pinch of the zipper.
"Ah m-mianhe, Y/N..." she unzipped and tried again more gently this time. "You weren't hurt badly were you?"

"It's fine don't worry about it." I assured her, but my voice said otherwise. As Sunni continued helping me with my dress, I exhaled deeply with frustration, not at Sunni's carelessness...but rather at all the preparation and effort put into making this night possible.

Tonight was prom night, a well-known event that every student in high school looked forward to. To be honest, it did sound pretty cliché, knowing that in movies, it's the same thing you see all the time. The girl gets asked out by the guy of her dreams, he escorts her, they start slow-dancing to some romantic music that sets the mood and everything seems perfect. But emphasis on "seems"...because something always has to go wrong for some damn reason, since life isn't always unicorns, fluffy kittens, and buckets of sunshine.

Keeping that in mind, it was quite a challenge just coming here to dress up at Sunni's house. For one, my family was completely against me going to any social events at all.

And by family, I'm referring to my stepdad and my sister.


Our family used to be a happy one when my mother was still around. And for heaven's sake of course she's not dead, stop jumping to melodramatic conclusions...geez. My mom was just out of the house most of the time because she was a doctor at the local hospital. Yep, that's my mom: saving lives every day while leaving her daughter with two stuck up little pieces of shitheads. How pathetic.

My mom used to be a registered nurse, but after several years of studying to the side and at the same time working, she finally got promoted to being a doctor. Unfortunately, that meant working more than 12 hours every day and less family time with us. In fact, she even insisted on moving somewhere far away, but she never even told us where. I had no idea why she felt the need to do that because we're already rich enough, it's not like we're poor or anything. But man, do I miss her and dad dearly.

But why did he have to run away from home too? Where is he? Is he even still alive? Knock on wood I hope he is...I don't want to be stuck with a lunatic for a substitute father.

We've never been the same after that. After dad's mysterious disappearance, mom got fed up living as a "single pringle" and decided to remarry. Cringe to the max, I had no idea what she saw in this guy. But every time I looked at him, I wanted to vomit an entire ocean...especially when they had full makeout sessions. Pure YUCK.

God forbid, his personality and looks weren't even close to attractive. My new stepfather was a total dick who did binge drinking, smoking and gambling on a daily basis, while my stepsister did nothing but late night curfews with her friends to party at clubs and all that crap. It wouldn't surprise me if the stupid bitch had lost her virginity by now actually.

But overall, my life turned completely upside down, and I had to get back on track as soon as possible.


And what better way to do just that than to sneak to prom? I needed a fucking break from those idiots anyways, I'd accept my punishment later when I got back. Maybe it'd be the usual scrubbing of the floors or shampooing (AND conditioning) the cats along with dusting, sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, laundry, cooking, and all that jazz. I should've ended myself a long time ago.

But oh well. Fuck it. As long as I don't get a whiplash from my stepdad's big ass belt, I can take it. At this point, all I care about is having some fun for a change. I haven't had that in years.

"Alrighty Y/N, all finished!" Sunni announced, taking a step back to admire the work she did on me. LOL what was there to admire, I probably looked like a potato--wait scratch that because I've always been one--a potato caked in makeup perhaps? Damn, I was so deep in thought that I never realized Sunni already applied makeup on my face.

I frowned at the (still) ugly reflection in front of me. This was my first time wearing makeup and I already felt uncomfortable to the point that I wanted to rub my face repeatedly to remove it all. But the white strapless long dress with sequined edges at the top was decent, minus the fact that my tits felt suffocated after Sunni tightened my dress.

"Whoa..." Sunni finally said after a long moment of silence. "You're so beautiful!"

"Oh please..." I furrowed my eyebrows at her compliment as I found myself sheepishly gripping at my dress. "You don't have to lie to me Sunni, in fact you know what maybe we should just forget about going to pro--"

"OH FUCK Y/N WE GOTTA BLAST NOW." Sunni's eyes widened from checking the time on the clock that hung on the wall near her bedroom door. "We're gonna be late for the dance!!"

"HOLLUP SHIT is Minjoon waiting outside with his car?!" I bolted out of the bedroom door with lightning speed, grabbing my mini purse with one hand and dialing my best guy friend's number with the other. "Please tell me he didn't bring his ancient classic car with him!"

The line was ringing and as I rushed down the stairs, I quickly slipped on a pair of high heels. Huge mistake because I nearly tripped on my own feet as I speed-walked towards the door.

"Sunni hurry the fuck up, just let the cat starve!" I rolled my eyes as she bent down to pour cat food in Neko-chan's food container ("neko" in Japanese means "cat". Sunni was a highkey otaku, but why she gave her cat that name seemed pretty redundant to me). As I opened the front door of the house, my jaw nearly dropped at the sight of the car parked in Sunni's driveway.

A tall, familiar figure shut his car door and gazed at me, wearing a smirk on his face while twirling car keys with his index finger. All dressed up in a pure black suit with his perfectly gelled brown hair was none other than my annoying guy friend: Kim Minjoon.

And he just parked a goddamn 20-year-old Chevrolet on Sunni's driveway.

"For Christ's sake Minjoon..." I sighed heavily. "You had one job!"

"I'm aware of that." Minjoon wore a smug smile on his face as he nonchalantly walked over towards me. "And that job was to be your prom date for the night..."

He then inched his lips toward my cheek, but he was interrupted when Sunni accidentally shut the door loudly behind her which made us flip our heads towards the noise.

"Uh oh..." Sunni winced. "I ruined the moment didn't I?"

I pushed Minjoon away from me with pure disgust. "Not at all!" I grinned with an awkward rectangular smile on my face and my hands behind my back. "In fact, you're RIGHT on time."

Minjoon flinched when I emphasized the word "right". He was so extra when it came to being romantic, it was actually sickening.

"O-Ok then!" Minjoon backed away from me with extreme caution. "Let's get a move on ladies?"

He opened the car doors for us like a gentleman, sat on the driver's seat, started the car and before we knew it, we were on our way to the school gym.

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