ċһѧƿṭєя 7: ıṅċȏṅṿєṅıєṅċє

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Great, back to the usual routine.

I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, taking in the hustle and bustle of students entering the school building, ready for another day of classes. Today was unusually busy after a night of dancing and partying. Normally there wouldn't be as many people on days like this because apparently, everyone would be supposedly "tired" from prom. Yet they would have the balls to hold after parties at their houses and get hungover the next day.

Speaking of getting hungover, last night with the boys was quite fun now that I thought about it-minus the fact that Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok overdid the alcohol and I had to order my chauffeurs to drive them home. I don't really like ordering around the many servants I have in our house, even though it's their job to take care of the people who live in it, including visitors. It just makes me seem too...what's the word, bossy? My friends already think of me as their so-called "leader", but just the sound of it is a bit much.

Just because I'm the "rich boy" of the group, that doesn't make me qualified for the role. How did that all start anyways?

I sighed, walking towards the front entrance of the school and preparing myself for yet another grueling day of work. The hallways were packed. I shit you not, I literally swam across seas of people scrambling to get to where they needed to be, while I struggled just trying to reach my locker.

"Ah, Yoongi!"

Based on the sound of his voice, I guessed that it was Jin-hyung. How he was able to see me in the crowds when I was behind "massive skyscrapers" (aka. tall jockies) I will never know.


"I got you, don't worry." Jin assured, reaching out his hand for me to grab. He pulled me in from the crowds and I was finally able to breathe again. "Are you still alive?"

"Barely." I answered, looking around at the students again. "Why is it so busy today?"

"There's a big basketball game tonight here in our home gym." Taehyung explained. He would know because he was the student council president. "Everyone's looking forward to it because it'll be the first championship tournament that we participated in since 2010!"

"That's why a lot of students are wearing their spirit wear today." Jin pointed out. "To support the team."

I never even noticed that a lot of people were wearing our sports team colours: red and white. I was so used to our boring and old school uniforms that I never bothered to remember that we had rare civies days like this.

"I'm still mad about not making it to the team again this year." Jimin pouted. "The coach said I didn't reach their minimum height requirement yet!"

We couldn't help but chuckle at that. Jimin really hated it when people underestimated him for his height. But it was kind of cute.

"You could've tried out, Yoongi!" Namjoon patted my back. "Isn't basketball your favourite sport? You beat Jimin's height by 1cm, which means you're qualified."

"Nah," I denied, leaning my arm on Namjoon's shoulder. "I'm really starting to like archery though. My dad took me once during the summer and I plan to go there again some day or build my own field in my backyard."

"Rich people." Jungkook shook his head, but still smiled because he was impressed. "You guys can afford anything!"

Well, I wouldn't quite say "anything" but-

"Yoongi-oppaaa~" a bright and cheerful voice called my name. "There you are!"

It was Ji Su. She was also in her spirit wear, complete with a bright red hoodie with the team's logo and white stripes on the sleeves, along with a white skirt, Air Jordans and her hair wrapped in a ponytail with a red bow. Underneath, she probably wore her cheerleading top, as she was the cheer captain for the team. Greeting me with a kiss on the cheek, Ji Su casually wrapped her arms around my neck and gazed into my eyes.

"You look nice today." I complimented her as my eyes moved from her eyes to her lips. "Do your best out there today, alright?"

"You should come tonight, love." Ji Su suggested, carressing my hair lovingly. "You're always at home studying. Take a break for once!"

"I would, but..." I shrugged, clearly unsure of myself. I searched for a legitimate reason as to why I couldn't go to the game.

To be honest, I wasn't really a big fan of studying. Wait, of course no one was, maybe I should've rephrased that. I didn't study because I felt like it was unnecessary. I took in information taught in lessons easily, so I found it pointless to go over it all again if it had already processed in my mind.  Some people said I was gifted because of that, but I didn't see it that way. Regardless, I would much rather practice rapping or playing the piano than study.

Still trying to find a good enough excuse, my eyes unknowingly trailed towards a girl running in the hallway a couple metres across from us as if she was in a hurry.

Oh right, classes start in, like, five minutes.

Then I squinted, trying to make out who the girl was.

Wait, is that...who I think it is?

It sure was. Pushing through the crowds and experiencing the same difficulty I had trying to get through was none other than Y/N, the girl I met in the girls' bathroom and walked home last night after prom. She seemed out of breath and ready to collapse in the middle of the hallway out of exhaustion. Y/N then noticed she was being watched. By me. I never even realized that I was staring at her at that moment, but I guess me in my train of thought resulted in me looking at whatever was in front of me. It just so happened that what was in front of me was a who, which was Y/N.

I expected a "hello" or something from Y/N to acknowledge that she saw me. But all she did was look at me with this weird expression on her face that said "What's going on?"

At first I was confused, wondering what about me was making her look at me like that. Her eyes turning her attention to who I was still holding in my arms gave away the answer.

Oh...right. She doesn't know about...

Ji Su was just as confused as I was because I still didn't complete my sentence and sort of left her hanging. Realizing that I was caught off guard by something else, she turned her head to see what was going on from behind her.

"Who are you?" Ji Su blurted out bluntly, looking at Y/N from head to toe. She was definitely unimpressed by the unpleasant surprise.

Fuck, this isn't good. This isn't good at all.

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