ċһѧƿṭєя 9: һѧƿƿʏ ṿıяȗṡ

50 6 1


"So in the graph shown below, we have an example of a predator and prey population growth, as demonstrated through the snowshoe hare and the Canadian lynx." our biology teacher Mr. Taekwang explained, adjusting his eyeglasses. "As we can see, both lines are moving in a somewhat similar manner. When the number of hares increase..."

Blahblahblah...this class is so boring! Can't Mr. Taekwang speed things up a bit? Make the lesson a little bit more entertaining by showing a video or two? I'm sick and tired of hearing the same monotone voice every day.

The school day was just about to come to an end. I could tell that most of my classmates were as tired and bored as I was just listening to our teacher speak. Of course, the majority were probably looking forward to the basketball game being held tonight in our gym. But I just wanted to reunite with Minjoon and Sunni again to make up for ditching them last night.

And most importantly, I wanted to update them on how things were between me with Yoongi and his friends.

The weather outside was beautiful. The sun was shining brightly, the sky was clear and blue with no clouds in sight, the winds were just right, and all the flowers were in full bloom. It was the perfect day for us to go for a walk outside, perhaps grab something to eat at the mall or play some games at the arcade there. I returned back to reality when Mr. Taekwang finally finished his lesson and began handing in last week's test papers.

"I must be completely honest with you," Mr. Taekwang said in a tone that didn't sound very good. "these test results weren't the best I've had in this class. In fact, they may have been the worst in my books."

Groans echoed in the room. So much for trying to get our grades up for university prep. This test was most likely going to make our averages drop by at least 5%.

I'm terribly sorry if I failed you mom, I thought as I crossed my fingers in hopes of being one of the lucky people to at least pass the test. At this rate, I might not be able to become a doctor like you. I might just have to resort to prostitution.

Pysche. No way in hell was I going to sell my body to lustful creeps like that. I didn't even have the body for it, yet alone the seductive and badass personality to attract men.

I might as well just become a hobo and live in the streets for the rest of my life. Better than putting up with a jackass stepfather and a monster stepsister, am I right?

When the person in front of me passed back the test papers, I grabbed mine and continued the chain. This was it. What did I get? Full of excitement and nervousness, I slowly lifted the corner of the paper to reveal my mark.

73%! Daaaamn not bad Y/N, not bad at all! At least I passed!

I had to pat myself on the back for this because I barely studied for the test and it was by far one of the hardest units of the course. Not to mention that it was a unit that us students had to teach to the class through 45-minute long group presentations. 100 multiple choice questions to answer in a 75 minute period was already torturous enough, but surprisingly I pulled through!

This calls for a celebration~!!

I happily flipped out my phone and texted Sunni to meet me near the flagpole at the front of the school. I decided we were going to go to the mall and do some shopping. Maybe even grab something quick to eat at the food court as well, they had much more variety than our ghetto school cafeteria.

As if on cue, the bell rang to signal that the day had come to an end.

"Alright, class dismissed!" Mr. Taekwang waved to us as everyone started lining up to exit the classroom. "Don't forget that your lab reports are due tomorrow-typed and including your works cited in APA format. Enjoy your day!"

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