ċһѧƿṭєя 16: ʟȏʏѧʟṭʏ

41 4 1


"Y/N! What a pleasant surprise!"

Great, let the shit-show begin.

"Ji Su!~" I exclaimed in a sarcastic and mildly exaggerated way. I fake-smiled so wildly that my face was already starting to hurt. "Good to see you! I see you brought your...friends along with you."

If there was one person I disliked more than Ji Su in this world-erm, make that two people-it would have to be her side hoes, Jennie and Rosé. Nothing pissed me off more than those two copycatting almost everything Ji Su did: clothing, hairstyles, way of talking...you get my drift. But what urked me most was when Ji Su did all the work by throwing shade at me, while all that Rosé and Jennie did was either echo exactly what Ji Su said or say something simple like "yeah!", "you tell her!" or other short little phrases like that. It made the cat fight dry and completely pointless, so usually during times like this, I didn't acknowledge their presence. But today, I decided to do it just to spice things up a bit and make it more interesting for once.

"Well of course!" Ji Su scoffed. "Why wouldn't I bring my peeps along? Right girls?"

Jennie and Rosé nodded furiously like idiotic bubbleheads.

Lame-o~. I guess I was wrong.

"Anyways, I see you're eating lunch with the basketball player who happened to ditch every single practice before the championship tournament." Ji Su gingerly pointed at Chanyeol with her long manicured fingernail. "Didn't you, Chanyeol?"

Wait, he's a...what?

"What are you trying to say, Ji Su?" Chanyeol narrowed his eyes. "That I'm a failure to the team? I had a legitimate reason to not go."

Park Chanyeol is part of the basketball team? Then could that mean-?

"Ahahahahaha!" Ji Su cackled like an evil witch. "Did I say that? Hell no! You know I didn't mean it that way. Oh dear, you're a funny one!"

Rosé and Jennie both responded by imitating her exact cackle, which made me want to shove their faces down a toilet and flush them away. The three brats continued to uncontrollably laugh for a while and after a few seconds, they finally calmed down. Ji Su carefully wiped a tear away from under her eye so that her makeup didn't smudge, then proceeded to speaking.

"Ahh man, that was hilarious." Ji Su fanned herself with her hand as she tried to keep her cool. "Anywho, my point is that you two took our spot in the cafeteria. This is our seat, so I suggest you move elsewhere to eat...whatever that shit is."

Chanyeol gaped, offended by Ji Su gawking at his meal and shooing us away like we were flies or something. He was about to lose it, but I grabbed him by the wrist and led him off of his chair before a fight broke loose.

This is my chance to ask him.

"We'll gladly leave." I replied, collecting my tray of uneaten food and taking it to go. "I have to talk to Chanyeol about something that you wouldn't give a damn about anyways."

Chanyeol whipped his head back and forth between me and Ji Su. "Time out, what are you-"

"Let's go." I ordered, going back to the food counter to fetch a take-out box before leaving the cafeteria. Ji Su waved to us half-heartedly with a smug look on her face, then helped herself to a chair with her friends.

Meanwhile, once we got out of the cafeteria, I got a hold of Chanyeol again and speedwalked to the closest empty classroom there was and set my food down on a desk. I peeked outside to check for any students roaming the halls in case they heard the conversation we were about to have. When I was certain no one was around, I locked the door and got down to the point.

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