ċһѧƿṭєя 2: ṡһѧяҡɞѧıṭ

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"Make way, peasants! Kim Min Joon comin' through!"

Could this night be any more embarassing? Here we were in a beat up Chevrolet driven by a complete maniac with virtually every student walking past us giving dirty looks. Talk about humiliation!

"Please keep it down Minjooniee~" Sunni whined, bending over to smack his arm. "Everyone thinks you're a weirdo!"

"Well clearly these idiots are taking advantage of their role as pedestrians and taking their sweet Jesus time walking to the gym entrance!" Minjoon complained, honking his horn multiple times in frustration. "MOVE IT!"

"You know what? Forget it." I opened the car door and gestured for Sunni to follow. "We'll go ahead while you find a parking space."

"Wait are you sure?" Minjoon stopped the car and pushed the emergency stop button. "But I'm supposed to escort you-"

"You don't have to be so formal Minjoon." I assured him. "We'll meet you inside, alright?"

He hesitated for a bit.
"Oh ok..." he shrugged reluctantly. "You have your tickets though, right?"

"We sure do!" Sunni waved hers in the air. "C'mon Y/N let's go!"

"Thank you Minjoon!" I called from a distance as Sunni dragged me towards the lineup in front of the gym entrance.

Maybe he isn't so bad after all.

After what felt like ages, Sunni and I finally made it to the front of the line and surrendered our tickets to the ticket collector. Too excited for her own good, Sunni held my hand tightly and pushed through the crowds to get a better view of the dancefloor.

"Omoo~daebak!" Sunni squealed and clapped childishly.

I had to admit, the place did look pretty cool. Everyone was dressed so elegantly in their fine dresses and tuxedos. The food looked so good, the decorations were sophisticated and fancy, the middle of the gym was packed with people dancing their hearts out. Damn, I almost forgot we were still in school.

"Ah Y/N, I'm gonna help myself to some food." Sunni pointed over to the exquisite platters. "You wanna come?"

"Oh go ahead," I nodded in approval. "I'm going to go to the bathroom."

With a thumbs up, she disappeared into the crowds of people and before I knew it, I was alone. I tried to squeeze myself through the sea of students dancing and I did my best to avoid getting hit in the face by flailing arms.

Thankfully, I got out in one piece. The things I saw on my way out were stuff I wish I never saw. What did people think this was, a club? Underage drinking, more makeout sessions and sexual dancing? Was it cringe day or something? Did I forget to mark my calendar for that? Where was adult supervision when we needed it?

Shaking my head furiously, I speedwalked towards the locker hallways to search for the girls' bathroom and probably hibernate for the rest of the night. Hopefully there weren't any whores in there having sex in the stalls. You'd think schools in our area would keep their students in check often. Fuck no, not in this town.

I was lost in thought, pondering whether I should just ditch school and use tonight as a chance to run away from home. I didn't even realize that a group of (what seemed like) fuckboys were standing in front of the girls' bathroom and I unknowingly opened the door...only to push one of them into his possé without even saying "sorry" and a cup of whatever spilled on his tux. His homies were shook and some even applauded. I heard hollering from outside the bathroom door as I slipped into a stall, shut it locked and leaned my back on the stall door.

Tonight was fucked. Why did I want to come here again? Did I want to go home? I didn't even know anymore.

I was about to give up when I suddenly heard the bathroom door slam open and I nearly screamed. I heard footsteps, but they didn't sound like high heels.

To be precise, they actually sounded like heavy footsteps...like a gang of men.

Oh fuck. What the hell are guys doing in a girls' bathroom?

The stall door shook furiously behind me. My eyeballs almost popped out of my sockets.

"OPEN UP NOW." a low masculine voice demanded. "Before we kick this door open!"

What could I do? I couldn't let them kick it open with force. I'd land face first into the toilet filled with dirty toilet water! I had no choice.
Slowly, I creaked the stall door open and peeped outside, ready for death to take me alive.

Sure enough, it was the same fuckboys who stood outside the girls' bathroom. There were six of them...five of them stood lined up in front of the sinks, while the sixth one stood alone. He had a beer stain on his tux, and he didn't look too happy. On the contrary, he looked like he was about to rip someone's head off. By the looks of things, that "someone's head" was probably mine.

At that moment, I knew I was done for.

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