ċһѧƿṭєя 4: Ԁєṅıѧʟ

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The full moon was shining brightly that night and the millions of stars in the sky formed beautiful constellation patterns above me. The neighbourhood was quiet, except for the peaceful sound of crickets lurking in the grass. Not a single person was walking around the streets, and not a single car drove by.

I was alone. I liked it that way.

But tonight, I actually didn't mind coming to prom. I wasn't the best dancer and I didn't have a date either. What mattered was that I reunited with my friends again. Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook and me. Just the seven of us having a great time together.

And inevitably, I got acquainted with someone who I never even knew attended our school.

That girl Namjoon was about to beat up in the bathroom...she was really something.

I laughed to myself a bit as I thought back to the conversation we had on our way to her house. The things we talked about there...man, I never even talked about that with the others before. Expressing our hatred for the same people, confessing how socially impaired we were, saying how uncomfortable we felt in our formal attire, feeling the urge to scream to the top of our lungs at the edge of a cliff because of all the stress in our life...She even sneaked into her house by climbing up a tree and slipping through her bedroom window without her family noticing that she went out without their permission. Now that required next-level skills.

I felt so comfortable just being with her. I could already tell that we'd get along well in the future.

Dear God, I hoped I wasn't being watched because at that moment, I was smiling so widely that it hurt. I probably looked like an idiot. But thankfully I was close to my house, so I could relax and perhaps watch some Netflix for a bit. Maybe even play the piano for a while or write the lyrics or score to a song I was making up.

Oh wait...fuck. I forgot about...

As if on cue, my phone rang in my pocket. It was Jimin and he wanted to facetime me. Praise the Lord, I was near the house so I didn't have to use my data. I unlocked my phone and answered the call.

"Yah, Jimin-ah!"

"Yoongiiii~" Jimin greeted with a big smile. "Come back for us, we miss youuu!"

"Aishh, you're drunk, aren't you!?" I guessed, eyeing the bottle in his hand. "You're too young to be drinking that!"

"Hyung, what were you doing in the bathroom with that girl?" Jungkook smirked as his face drew closer to the camera. "You two didn't do the 'thing', did you?"

All six of them wiggled their eyebrows and made weird "mmm" and howling noises as they elbowed and high-fived each other. Was I the only one not understanding what they were getting at?

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked, clearly oblivious to what they were referring to. "Anyways, I'm going home and calling it a day. You can come if you want, but my mom is coming back from work at midnight."

Hoseok sighed dramatically. "Aigoo, changing the subject on us again? What's her name? What's she like? Did you talk?"

"Did you have a little smoochey woochey together?" Taehyung butted in, making kissey faces and using his hands as lips crashing into each other. The others had a laughing spasm and joined in the fun by copying his hand motions.

"Do you want me to change my mind about letting you stay over at my house?" I threatened before the situation got out of hand. "Gosh..."

"Awww, our Yoongi is blushingg~" Jin gushed, cupping his own cheeks in cringeworthy admiration. "I think our little fluffball is in love!"

"Love, love, love!" the other five guys sang in unison.

Geez, these boys are so embarassing!How exactly did I put up with them for all these years?

"MY HOUSE IN FIVE MINUTES." I projected my voice. "Or there will be no party next Friday."

That made everyone settle down.

"Aw, ok..." Namjoon gave in. "But on one condition-"

"NO alcohol allowed." I declined.

"I wasn't gonna mention that..."

"Will you at least update us on the girl?" Jimin asked cutely. Everyone eyed the camera, waiting for an answer.

Goddamn, even facetiming my friends is just as uncomfortable as talking to them in person...

"Fine," I rolled my eyes. "But it isn't what you think, okay?"

"That's what he says about every girl he meets." Jimin whispered to Jungkook. He snorted like a pig, which made everyone crack up.

"Hey, hey, HEY." my ear grew redder and redder by the second. "I'm serious this time!"

"Yeah, yeah," Namjoon waved his hand up and down. "We'll be there soon, alright? Bai~"

They immediately hung up.


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