ċһѧƿṭєя 14: ғѧʟṡє ẇıṭṅєṡṡ

41 5 3


Another grueling day in hell. How delightful.

A terribly grueling day it was indeed. I swear to God as soon as I stepped foot on school grounds, the unthinkable started happening.

I may have not told you guys directly what kind of a person I was at school. But if I had to describe myself through a brief statement, it would be this: To most people, I'm probably seen as that quiet girl who chooses not to associate with anyone and is basically one of the least popular of students. Considering that I have resting bitch face syndrome, people most likely see me as someone they don't want to mess with or even become friends with. But in reality, I'm actually not a bad person. I'm just cursed with an ugly face and I'm actually nice once you really get to know me.

Well, today was an exception. Before I knew it, random students started crowding around me and asking all these questions as if I was a celebrity being tortured by paparazzi and news reporters. They kept asking me stuff like:

"Where were you yesterday after school?"
"Who was your date on prom night?"
"Who were you hanging out with at the mall?"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Do you know anyone by the name Min Yoongi?"

That last question especially got me because as soon as the very syllables of his name came out of that girl's mouth, I knew what was up.

Ji Su did it again.

"I'm sorry, I have a class to go to." I bluntly stated. "I suggest you go to yours too, all of you."

And with that, I left a whole trail of students behind me, eager to follow me around. And despite my orders, they continued to throw more questions in my face. But I wasn't going to bother answering any of them.

Someone found out about me and Yoongi, I thought to myself as I unpacked my bags and got to my locker. It couldn't have been Ji Su herself because she had to cheer for the basketball team last night. Her clones couldn't have seen us together either because they were with her the entire night cheering as well.

So if it wasn't them, then who...?

"Y/N!" a voice called out from across the hallway. It sounded as if the person was sprinting because of the sound of his or her squeaking shoes and the panting from exhaustion. "Y/N!!"

"Sunni?" I squinted, trying to make out her light brown medium bob cut bouncing around as the girl frantically ran towards me. "What's going on?"

"That's what I was going to ask you!" Sunni replied, struggling to catch her breath. Judging by how tired she appeared, I assumed that she was unable to catch her bus ride to school today and was forced to sprint the whole way.

Poor Sunni.

"Ok, ok. Let yourself breathe first." I advised her. "Take a deep breath. What is it you wanted to tell me?"

"Have you heard the rumours?" Sunni asked, shaking my body with her hands. "Everyone has been talking about me, you, Yoongi and Hoseok hanging out at the mall yesterday after school!"

"Wait, can you please keep it down?!" I shushed her before she could attract any more attention from people passing by us. Our locker neighbours were already eyeing our every move. "Let's take this to calculus, shall we?"

Sunni nodded, hurrying to gather her books before we headed upstairs to our math class.

"It's bad, Y/N." Sunni continued with a worried expression on her face, checking every now and then to see if anyone was eavesdropping on our conversation. "I mean, me and Hoseok I'm fine with because we've been friends since elementary but...I'm more worried about you and Yoongi! What if Ji Su finds out about this?"

"She probably already has and I think she could've planned to expose us." I predicted, observing the hallways for anyone suspicious who might be gossiping about us or giving us looks. "That's the thing. At first, I suspected that one of her clones saw us together, but then I remembered the three of them were all in the tournament last night. Who do you think told them?"

"I don't know." Sunni replied, trying to think of who the secret informant could've been. "What evidence do you think the person gave her?"

As if on cue, the moment we walked into calculus class, we caught a classmate of ours with a group of friends watching a video of me wiping Yoongi's face in the food court after eating odeng. One of them pointed at it and laughed, while the others echoed "ooohhh", clapped like retarded seals, and howled as if they were part of a wolf pack.

I can't believe this. This is outrageous!

"Hey!! Where the hell did you get that?!" I impulsively barged in, snatching the phone away from the guy's hand. "Explain yourself!"

"Well, well, well." the guy shook his head, checking me out from head to toe. When he turned around and stood up from the desk he was sitting on, he ran his hands through his jetblack hair and walked up towards me. "It's the little lady herself!"

He pointed at the phone I had in my possession. "That's a nice steal you got there. Tryna grab Yoongster from his hot girlfriend Ji Su, huh? Naughty girl."

That was it. I was ready to knock the bastard out cold. Instead, out of rage, I grabbed him by the collar of his uniform polo and slammed his back on the wall. His friends and Sunni tried breaking us apart, but I resisted them.

"Were you the one who filmed us?" I asked, tightening my grip on his shirt. "Were you the one who spread rumours around the school?! Huh??? TELL ME!!"

"N-No, I didn't! I swear!" the guy shook his head and hands, begging for me to let go.


"Someone from the basketball team!" one of his friends answered. The man was the tallest among them with a mushroom haircut and ear piercings. "They said he never showed up to any practices before the tournament, so they wouldn't let him play last night."

"And who would that be?" Sunni demanded with her hands crossed. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes," the man nodded. "But that's all I know. I'm not sure of his name."

I gave him a death squint as my way of threatening him to spill the beans or else I'd beat the shit out of him and his friends. But he appeared innocent and unfazed, not being able to provide any more information.

"Okay then, mister." I released the bastard still in my clutches. I walked up to the tall man and looked up to meet his eyes.

Fuck you, you little-I mean big piece of shit! Why do you have to be so damn tall??

"Yugyeom." the guy introduced himself, still keeping his cool. "The name's Yugyeom, and the guy you slammed on the wall there is Jinyoung."

"I don't care what his name is, Yugyeom." I challenged him, but still awkward from having to look up as if I was viewing a skyscraper in front of me. I could feel Jinyoung's eyes shooting lazers behind me through my skull as I spoke. It was quite unsettling.

"Listen well, all of you." I announced. "If I find out that the culprit you say it is turns out to be wrong..."

Dead silence lingered, except for the sound of Jinyoung's loud gulp. I tried to come up with a scary enough punishment on the spot, but I couldn't.

"...you're all going to suffer the consequences." I finished, unable to think of anything. "Understand?"

All the boys nodded vigorously.


As soon as I finished speaking, the bell rang to indicate that first period classes were officially in session and students began entering the classroom. Everything functioned as if nothing ever happened in the room.

Everything, except that now, everyone knew (of) me and Yoongi together and mistaked us for dating.

A/N: kekeke, bet you didn't see that got7 crossover coming until you saw the chapter cover huh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Gotta make it interesting ㅋㅋㅋ Expect more crossovers to come! In fact, there's already one that's been present since Chapter 5 ◕‿◕ But I won't say anything just yet because you might be able to spot it in the next chapter *evil laughter* (man I'm really enjoying these side notes LMAO)

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