ċһѧƿṭєя 8: ṃıṡғȏяṭȗṅє

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OKAYYY...did NOT see that coming.

In all honesty, I seriously didn't see that coming at all. Min freaking Yoongi with a girlfriend? I was speechless.

Out of all people, it HAD to be the snobby cheerleading captain and our school's most popular bitchstick? What fuckery was this?!

And why do I care so much...?

"Ahem," I cleared my throat, trying to stay calm and answer the question Ji Su asked in the most straightforward way possible. "Y/N? The girl you sit behind in English class?"

She obviously knew me. She was just pretending not to just to fool her *yuck* boyfriend. Either that or Ji Su was acting as if I didn't exist to her all this time.

Oh well, I wish she didn't exist either so I don't have to put up with this bullshit.

At first, Ji Su acted as if that was the first time she ever heard my name. I fucking swear, this girl was the worst actress in the world. It was so obvious that she was putting up an act, but I guess Yoongi was too ignorant to notice.

"Y/N...?" Ji Su furrowed her eyebrows, acting as if she was thinking hard. "Ahh that girl! Right right, yeah, um, I don't recall my Yoongi bear ever talking to you before. Right, hun?"

" 'Yoongi bear'?" Yoongi repeated with disgust. He clearly didn't like the new nickname Ji Su gave him. Or at least by the looks of it, it seemed like that was the first time she ever called him that.

I couldn't resist snorting at that. Both Yoongi and Ji Su looked at me as if I had gone crazy and I immediately shut up.

"What's so funny?" Ji Su frowned, flipping her hair and turning her attention to the man still in her arms. "Anyways babe, I gotta go. I can't stand another second in this FILTHY hallway."

I loved how Ji Su glared at me when she emphasized the word "filthy". But for some odd reason, I hated it when she said her last goodbyes by literally making out with Yoongi for a good five seconds. IN FRONT OF ME.

She's trying to imply that she owns him. Pathetic.

Finally, Ji Su added a finishing touch by purposely bumping into me with her shoulder as she walked past, making me drop the books from my backpack which all landed on the floor.

Goddammit, why did I leave my backpack open in the first place?!

First, my stepdad grounded me for a whole month and now I discovered that Ji Su was dating Yoongi all this time? Could this day get any worse?

I lazily bent over to pick up my stuff, but Yoongi butted in and offered to get them for me.

And yes you guessed it. We accidentally touched hands.

"I'll pick them up Y/N." Yoongi volunteered, squatting to gather my belongings. I hesitantly inched my hand away and held it with the other as Yoongi got up and had my books in his possession. "I'll walk you to your class too if you want."

"Oh...I don't know..." I mumbled. "Ji Su would probably kill me if she saw us together."

He literally just had a lip-locking session with Ji Su a few seconds ago, and now he wants to walk with me to class? Who does this guy think he is?

"Aigoo, don't worry about her, Y/N." Jimin popped up from behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. I jumped a bit and my heart stopped from the sudden surprise. "Just focus on getting to class on time, alright?"

"WAIT what time is it?!" I asked, frantically searching for my phone in my pocket. There was no way I was going to make it to class on time at this point. My first class was far from my locker hallway.

"Man, Y/N." Namjoon grimaced as he checked his watch for the time. "I doubt you'll make it to class before 8:15. You better beat it!"

"Says the guy who returned to school for a fifth year because he still hasn't met his graduation requirements." Jungkook whispered loudly, making the others chuckle to themselves. "I thought you had a high IQ hyung!"

"Shut up, pipsqueak!" Namjoon pushed Jungkook, his face turning red with embarassment. "She didn't have to know that..."

I bit my bottom lip, trying to resist the urge to laugh. Yoongi was right-once I got to know them, they actually weren't so bad.

"Just get to your class," Namjoon shooed me away with his hand. "before you make me spill my drink or drop my books next."

That did it. I burst into wild laughter, which caught the attention of half the students still walking around in the hallways. Even the teachers gave me weird looks. I had the most unflattering laugh in the world, which consisted of uncontrollable snorting and wheezing.

"Alright Y/N, let's go." Yoongi gestured for me to follow him before things got out of control. "Where's your class?"

I pointed towards my right where the math hallway was located, still trying to stifle my laugh. Yoongi nodded and with a huge smile on his face, he guided me through the crowds to get to class.

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