Chapter 17{**}

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I added pictures of the cabin they are staying in yes it's big and it's all for them. There will be smut in the next chapter.

We woke up at 7:00am and started getting ready and packing since we were renting cabins until Saturday so 6 days in total. We could have packed yesterday but we were to lazy. I'm so tired since I don't get up this early on Sundays. We ate breakfast and put the suitcases in the trunk. We picked up Mike and Calum and got ready for a 3 hour drive. Once we were close to getting there it was pretty cold so Ashton and I were cuddling and so were Calum and Michael. My dad was driving and my mom was in the front with him. We finally put the heater on but not long after we arrived. Ashton and I managed to get our own cabin and that screams SE.X. Six days is a lot. So we have plenty of time. It was still day time a little past lunch so we were all starving. I didn't bring my car because we all came together and it would be much safer and easier to all travel together. Mike and Cal also got their own cabin. We went to a small warm dinner near us. I didn't realize I was starring at Ashton so fondly until he told me. I felt a blush creep up to my face. I was glad he was finally eating normally and his weight was healthy and his cutting has been well so far but Ashton is still very sensitive and that's why I love him more than anyone can think of. Once we were done eating we all went to our cabins. Ashton wanted to go outside and play in the snow. I swear he still acts like a kid but a cute adorable one. We went outside before it got dark. Ashton acted like a happy child playing in the snow. I of course joined him and we did have a good time. Once we were tired we went inside. There was a small table in the kitchen. We went to the market around the corner and bought a few snacks and other things to make food. We made s'mores and now me and Ash were watching a movie on the big T.V. The cabin was very nice and big but very warm and comforting.

I needed to use the restroom. I remember where it was so I told Luke I would be right back. I went to the restroom and let out a shriek when seeing a terrifying spider. I kept screaming until Luke came in and killed the spider easily. I made him wait for me outside the restroom. I got out and we went back inside the room. I was tired and fell asleep after a while. I felt Luke place a kiss on my cheek and forehead. I turned over and pecked his lips. He whispered a goodnight and buried his face in my neck. When I woke up Luke was still asleep. I carefully got up and brushed my teeth. I decided to make some French Toast for both of us to eat.

(Time skip)

Everyone decided to go skiing. We rented some equipment for the day and went up the hill. We also snowboarded and played with the snow. When it started to get dark Luke's mom invited us all to dinner in her cabin. After dinner we all headed home. Luke got the idea of playing hide and seek so he called the boys over. We spent our night playing hide and seek. Not long after the boys fell asleep. Luke and I went to sleep. We were both awaken at 2am to a snow storm. It was going to last all day. That means we weren't going outside at all. Well that's a nice way to spend a Tuesday. Relaxing and I'm sure Luke and I can manage to make it fun. *wink* *wink*. I went back to sleep still feeling tired I cuddled up more to Luke since I was still cold.

Ok that's it hope you like it and get ready for smut who should top comment if you want someone specific. Just maybe I will include riming. Surely I will find a way to make it kiNKy.

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