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Slowly she opened the chest, peeking at what could be hidden inside. She slowly lifted the contents like they were precious jewels, devoring each page, each verse. They were all there every thing, her past laid out in a few neatly written words, a love so strong, a pain so great, a destiny so large, she could only make sense of it through words. Words, and a past she has tried so hard to forget.

Cerulean, the color of the clearest sea,

Of a bubbling mountain spring

Her Eyes

Eyes that haunt his dreams

Captured his heart

Windows into her soul

Staring deeply into his

He could never give in

Not to the lust they created

Those eyes could never be his.

Color of Meadow Grass

Like a bed of moss

The color she loved to hate

Speckled with brown

Streaked with Gold

They captured her very being

Broke her heart each time they shut

Her newest Obsession

His Eyes

Picture of his every thought

Her only hope when hope was lost

Those eyes were always, and forever hers

Black as Night

Smooth as Silk

His fingers tangled with the tresses

Waves falling down her back

Her very hair a reminder

She was meant for another

Gold as rays of the Sun

Her hands ran through the short spikes

Each one danced in the moonlight

Playing, Tempting

Hers Forever

Creamy White

Pure and Soft

Unbroken, Unblemished, Uncovered

Her skin yet another temptress

Long Legs, teasing, making him forget

Forget her other self

Who she truly was

Flawless, naked, his love

But Never His

Copper, Black, Silver, Gold

Soft as a feather

Smooth as Silk

They belonged to her

Her very own Butterfly

She forgot it all at one glance to his wings

Her lovers wings

Forever Hers

Hopeless meets Hopeful

Earth meets Water

Lovers to the last beat

Of a Butterflies Wings

Divided Waters: My Hearts DesireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon