Chapter Fifteen

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Three weeks I have been wandering around this island now for three weeks. Grandfather has yet to return to this plane since he left me, but I get the feeling that he knows when I am watching him, he always gets this sly smile on his face.

I spent the first week trying to contact Leo. He knew I was there, I could tell. Every time I would think something at him, I would watch his brow furrow, as he gripped his head. I hated to cause him pain, but I was alone in my mind, and during that week being alone in my mind was a big mistake.

I got a big break with Leo late towards the end of that first week of torture. I was just about ready to give up when in my frustration I was able to project my voice into his plane.

I watched as the tears rolled down his eyes when he realized that I was with hi m. The only thing that is a problem would be Leo thinks that I am a ghost. That is what I have spent the last two weeks trying to rectify. I have tried to contact him again, yet I do not seem to be able to project my voice anymore, I tried our mind link, and I keep running into this brick wall. I have even tried getting the animals to send him a message.

Nothing! I mean nothing has worked, so today my goal is to get a hold of grandfather. Leo needs to know that I am alive.

_ - _- _ - _

It has been over a month since I have seen Mia; I was so excited the day that I realized we could communicate through some sort of mind link. She was on her way to some sort of Spirit Guide that day, I remember listening in on her last conversation before she disappeared. The guide was asking her where she wanted here to be. All of the sudden I felt fear, and excitement. Since that day I had not felt, or heard Mia; well that was until two weeks ago, and even that was a brief moment. I was in the clearing trying to reach out to her with my mind when clear as if she was right in front of me I heard her voice.

I can feel her now, she is watching over me. It saddens me to think that I never got to hold her, or love her. Now she is gone, unless she has some new power that she can’t control. How else would she be here on this island with me.

Today I want to ask Grandfather what he thinks I know that Mia trusted him, maybe he can help me talk to her.

My body was already fighting the long hike that I had ahead of me. The dense forest made it impossible to fly, and I still have not got the hang of them.

I found grandfather in his usual spot near the edge of the valley. As I approached he lifted his head, and gave me a small knowing grin.

“Well young prince what brings you to my valley today?”

“I have a question for you. Is Mia dead?”

My voice betrayed me, and all the emotions that I felt over Mia’s potential fate brought me to tears.

“Leo! Pull yourself together she is alive.”

I knew it! I knew that grandfather had been keeping an eye on her.

“Why can’t I hear her anymore?”

“You can’t hear her because you aren’t supposed to. Why did you think that she was dead?”

Why would I think her dead, why wouldn’t I think she was dead? I no longer could hear my best friend. I still hadn’t told her that I loved her yet. Really loved her.

“I thought she was dead because I heard her! Not in my head, I heard her out loud clear as if she was standing in front of me on this Island. Now please tell me where she is and why I am not supposed to hear her. She is my other half I must hear her. I need to hear her; I need to know that she is okay.”

I could not control the tears any longer; I was not strong enough to think about losing Mia. Mia was all that I had in this world, without her I was nothing.

They flowed freely from my eyes soaking the soft green grass below my feet. My vision blurred; I could barely make out the sympathetic look on grandfathers face. I could feel my heart being shattered into a million pieces before he even spoke the words.

“Mia was never supposed to be yours.”

- _  - _ - _ - _ -

I was never supposed to be his. Am I sure that I heard that correctly? It can’t be true, I know that in my heart a piece of me has always belonged to Leo. Leo completed me in a way that no one else ever could. He was the glue that held me together, the duct tape that had mended and patched all those holes, and broken pieces in my life. How could grandfather tell him that I am not meant to be his.

Having to set this right, I gathered all the strength I could and projected my voice once more even if I could never see him again after this I had to let him know that I cared.


- _  - _ - _ - _ -

Her voice boomed through the clearing, it was much louder than the first time. She was angry.

“Mia! I love you always!”

If she was there I wanted her to know. It no longer mattered to me if I ever saw her face to face I wanted her to know that I truly did love her.

“Leo, and Mia stop! You do not know the consequences of talking like this right now. Mia could actually die Leo. This is not safe. Mia was told that she could watch you but not communicate with you. She is in the spirit plane; she is on a spirit journey. She was supposed to find herself without all the distractions; this was supposed to happen so the fates would not have to intervene. Do you really love her? And Mia I know that you are watching, do you really love him?”

Of course I love her. Grandfather’s questions were starting to get frustrating.

“Grandfather is there a reason behind these stupid questions. Of course I love Mia, and I find it insulting that you keep questioning my love for her, and the fact that we are made for one another.”

“Leo I am not questioning you, I just need you to be sure. Your love has consequences, consequences that I need to be sure you are willing to accept.”

Consequences, there is nothing that I would not accept for Mia. I have said this countless times before Mia is the air that I breathe. Without her I am just a shell, nothing in life is worth more than having her. Life is not worth more than having her.

“Mia is worth every sacrifice. She is worth any cost. I would give my life for her.”

“I am glad child because one day Prince Leo your life may be the price you have to pay.”

**** Authors Note ****

I am sorry that this chapter is super short, and in my opinion kinda boring. Next chapter we will be back with Mia, and the action should begin.

Thanks for reading, remember to fan, vote, and comment. :)

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