Chapter Four

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"Mia, I am going to miss you."

"I know Leo, I know. I wish I didn't have to go, but I do. Sadly it is a part of my destiny to leave here. I promise you that I will write everyday. Each and every morning when you wake up there will be a letter from, and each night I expect to receive a letter from you. We will know what is going on with each other, and be a part of the others life from a far. And, in three months I will return, and you will have your best friend back."

"All of that is still not going to change the fact that you are not here. No matter what I am going to miss you. I promise though that I will be here when you return. Mia, you are my best friend and no one, I mean no one will ever come in between that friendship. While your gone, don't change for anyone but your self, and never forget where you came from. Never forget your home."

"I won't"

I snuggled deeper into the soft green grass letting a peaceful silence fall between us. Allowing Leo's soft breathing to comfort me because, as much as I knew I had to leave this island, I can't help but feel I am not ready. Everything about Atlantis scares me, it isn't my home. I do not know the people, which is why I need to go. I need to learn about the people I will one day rule. Getting my fins is what scares me the most. The fear of them never going away has almost been the death of me several times today. I mean what if they never go away? Could I live the rest of my life never being able to set foot on land again? What would happen to Leo while I am gone, he has been my rock, my sanity, will he forget me? Maybe he will find a new best friend, move on, get married, have kids, be an outstanding fey King. I mean that is what his destiny is right. That is what is going to best for him. But for me that thought crushes my very being, I am only going to be gone three months, just three months, surly that is not enough time for him to forget me. I will write each and everyday, that will just have to do. That has to be the answer.

Rolling onto my side I took a long look at my crazy fey prince. Why had I never noticed how his hair danced like the flames. Copper highlights, streaks of Gold all lying every which way atop his head. Or how laying there so still he looked liked he belonged. I wonder if that was what he saw when I was in the water, a being that belonged. Did I look out of place on land? Looking at him now with his eyes closed, I was suddenly sad, that his precious gem stone eyes were hidden from my sight. Those eyes are what gives him away, they truly are the windows to his soul, and my favorite part of him. I will miss seeing his smiling face each and every day. Turning his eyes into a deep stormy green, pushing his calm nature over the edge until he joins me on the crazy wonderful trip I call life. Wait, hold on. I am sounding more like a lover then his friend. Could it be? Could this be why my destiny feels wrong? Do I love Leo don Farren, otherwise known as my best friend.

"Earth to Mia, you look lost at sea what is wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong Leo. I promise I am fine."

"And you my friend are a terrible liar."

"Look, I don't want to talk about it. I am going to go pack. I will see you in the morning."

"Mia, Mia stop! I am sorry. I know that this is hard, I just, I am going to miss you. I want to make sure that you are okay before you leave."

"It really is nothing Leo, just concerns childish concerns. I mean can you believe I am afraid of getting my fins. Me the supposed princess of the sea is afraid of getting her fins. Not just afraid even, Leo I am terrified. Terrified that I will never set foot on land again, afraid of not fitting in. I hate being the odd one out. Here I have you, and you have never left my side. Leo for sixteen years I have never had to face anything alone, and now I have to. This is something I have to do alone, and it scares me."

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