Chapter Six

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'Knock, knock, knock.'

Who is at my door this early. It is only my first day here!

"Who is it?"

"Natheniel, my princess."

Natheniel, who the hell is Natheniel. I don't remember being told about any Natheniel.

"Your disturbing my sleep, please leave."

"My princess your mother sent me, I am to show you our city."

Seriously, my mother has already got me a guide, and a guy at that. What was she too busy to show me around herself? Or is this her way of trying to get me to forget my home.

"Not interested."

"My princess, please your mother has requested I take you out."

"Again, not interested Nate! Go away."

"It's Natheniel!"

I waited for another comment, but hearing nothing thought I was safe.

"Amiria! Open this door right now. You are not hiding in your room for three months!"

"No Mother I am not! I am not leaving until I feel like it! And who the hell is Natheniel?"

"Natheniel is your guide, and you will treat me your mother with respect."

"Mother respect is earned not ordered."

God, I hated the undersea life. It was so annoying not to be able to hear retreating footsteps, or anything for that matter. All my senses i had honed on land meant nothing down here. She could only hope that this silence meant they had given up.

Sweet, sweet silence. Or so it was, until a new voice joined the growing party outside my door. My fathers, the one person that I actually held in some form of esteem. He was now a traitor.

"Mia, sweetie will you allow me to come in?"

"Father, why should I let you come in? Honestly you think I will forgive you for aligning yourself with those beings?"

"Mia, I just want to come in. Please?"

"Come in for what?"

"To talk."

"Just to talk? Not to guilt me into coming out."

"If you allow me to come in Natheniel, and your mother will leave."

"Do I have your word?"

"You have my word."

I sat down on my bed and waited, I waited to see the door creep open. Waited to see my fathers head appear in it's place. I waited to be scolded. It never came.

"Mia, what is wrong? What happened yesterday?"

"Really, mother didn't fill you in on how I am being selfish? Oliver didn't tell you how I needed to grow up."

"Oh they told me all right."

"Then father what do you need from me?"

"To know you Mia."

"You know me. I am the same girl that has been hidden away on an island. I have been raised by a nanny, and fey. I was abandoned father. Is that the girl you want to know?"

"You were cared for."

"Cared for, yes. Loved, yes. Raised, yes. Father. Where was my family?"

"We had two kingdoms to unite baby girl, and you loved the island."

Divided Waters: My Hearts DesireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon