Chapter Seven

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Dread, pure and utter dread was all that filled my stomach. Why? My mother was why; I would never understand why she insisted that Nathaniel was taking me to this welcome home ball.

I may have only met him yesterday; yet I could tell that I wouldn't like him. Nothing about Nathaniel was anything that I would ever consider looking for in a friend. Everything about him shouted pompous asshole.

His hair was perfect. I mean it looked painted on it was so perfect. There were no loose strands anywhere, it was dyed black except for his tips which he left his natural flaming red. It looked like his head was on fire.

What set me on edge the most was his eyes. They were cold and calculating. Always watching, as if he was trying to figure out how to best those around him. He appeared too good for a girl like me.

I had a feeling that if I weren't the princess and future Queen of Atlantis I wouldn't even be a tiny blip on his radar. Yet here he was this cold calculating guy was to be my escort, and friend. I think my mother has lost her entire mind.

Another thing that I don't understand is why they are having a ball anyway. I asked her last night but she just continued to say it was to welcome me home. Welcome me to a home that wasn't mine. A home I didn't want. It was beyond my ability to understand my mother's actions.

This ball was entirely over kill, and completely unnecessary. Mother however so kindly informed me that as the Atlantian princess destined to rule the sea, I was going to have a ball. It was my duty to show my people that I was fit to be their future Queen. Her exact words were 'If you are going to be a princess, you must start acting like one.' I couldn't believe that she would imply I wasn't a princess.

According to her, I would learn to appear happy, and elegant even when I was feeling down n the dumps, and entirely un-elegant. She was determined to teach me how to be the vision of perfection, an ice Queen. To her that was the proper mermaid, the Queen these people deserved.

Transformation Awaits

Maidens Debut

A Lady Made

Midnights Reveal

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"Your Highness?"

Erg, all the formality, it was suffocating me.

"Yes, Leah you can come in. I told you yesterday you do not need to call me your highness. You are my friend; to you I am just Mia."

"Princess Mia, we have come to help you to prepare."


"Yes princess, we. This is Esmerla, and Ervia. They are two of your mother's ladies in waiting. They will be helping me get you ready. Esmerla is a wonder at undersea make-up, and Ervia she can work wonders on any hair. As you already know, I am the fashion design expert. So my princess are you ready to get started."

I looked back at the two deep turquoise mermaids standing behind Leah. They resembled my mother in many ways and both were stunning, they made me feel like dirt in comparison. I noted the pride with which they both held themselves, and how their eyes shone with compassion. It did not take any imagining on my part to picture myself becoming close friends with these to mere women.

"Leah, is this really necessary?"

"Princess I assure you that this is one hundred percent necessary"

"Alright, but please remember who I am. I am not some fake un-intelligent mere princess; I am Mia the future Queen of Atlantis."

"I promise my princess."

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