Chapter Thirteen

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Do I belong on land or in the sea? Why that is the question that grandfather had to ask, that is the one question that I have no clue how to answer. My heart has always been Leo’s; long before I knew it my heart belonged to him, that alone tells me that I belong to the land. Yet how can I ignore the trust, or the pull that I have felt to Nate. Nate is everything that Leo is not; he is dangerous. The sea is dangerous, I am dangerous, so I guess that I belong to the sea.

How is it that my brother is a hybrid too, yet he so clearly feels the pull to the sea, and everything about it. Why am I the child that feels an equal pull in both directions, why did I have to be the child that was fated to bring about peace?

Grandfather tells me that I have the answers in myself, that I can communicate with both my sides, the crazy old lady from the sea tells me that I need to discover if I am good or evil. My only knowledge of hybrids is that our nature is evil. I feel like I am facing up against an impossible challenge, a challenge that is too great for my youth.

I am not sure how to do this but I guess I can try.

‘Uh evil side I need to talk to you.’

No answer, hmmm I wonder if it is because I called it my evil side. I guess that half of who I am could consider me the evil side.

‘Other half of me, I am sorry that I called you evil. Can we please talk.’

Okay that is not working, I feel like I am a crazy person. I should have known better I am not meant to communicate with myself. I have the same thoughts and feelings no matter what half of me is in control the only difference is in how I respond to the situation.

‘Ha-ha, as much as I like listening to you rant, and wonder I am here, you were just trying to hard.’

‘Other self?’

‘My name is Selene, and I am not evil, or your other self.’

‘Selene, what are you then.’

‘I am your higher being I guess would be what you would call me. I am what shows when you unleash your hybrid powers.’

‘So are you me?’

‘I am a part of you, think of me as your twin. I have my own thoughts; I just share your body.’

‘Okay, that is creepy. But it makes sense, when I start to feel my hybrid powers I no longer feel like I am in control.’

‘You’re not; when your hybrid powers are unleashed your emotions get in the way, making you volatile. That is where I come in, I see facts, I have no feelings, other than right or wrong.’

‘What happened with my family?’

‘Your mother was wrong, and she needed to see the truth.’

‘Nate thought you were going to kill her.’

‘Nate was afraid of what he does not know. His higher being is evil, it sees no wrong, only wanting an heir, and it will do anything to get it. That is why Nate thought the worst of what you were capable of.’

‘I get Nate, he has told me his story, what about Oliver, shouldn’t his higher being be just like you?’

‘Oliver is twisted; his mind is demented and sick. He shut away his higher being, and has taken control of his powers. That is why he is so dangerous; your powers should never mix with your emotion that is why the gods gave us to you.’

‘So it I am not evil?’

‘I do not feel that you are evil, nor do I feel that you are good. You are in between right now. You have yet to decide your fate.’

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