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There's a few seconds right when I wake up, where I don't know where I am. Where my surroundings haven't settled in yet. It only lasts a second, maybe two if I'm lucky. I've never enjoyed one second more in my entire life. I feel refreshed, I feel free. Like I'm actually enjoying something for once. Then it hits me, reality that is. It hits me like a train. I realize that I'm not actually free. I'm laying in this cold dorm surrounded by girls that I don't even know but I'm forced to shower, use the bathroom, eat, sleep and work with. I usually don't get much sleep though. I mean, how could I? I'm in a room full of murderers and thieves. I'm not sure of anything anymore. Well I do know one thing: I didn't kill him.

"Knowles!" A guard yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up and her.

"You have a visitor."

"I never get visitors."

"I guess some things change. Let's go." I followed the guard to the visitation room and let her pat me down. I don't know what I could possibly be trying to sneak out of prison. I was hoping to see my mom or maybe my sister. Oh, or maybe my friends. I haven't seen any of them since I went in.

"Which one?" I asked looking at the many half empty tables.

"Table four."

"There must be a mistake. I don't know her."

"Well you better get to know her." I sighed and went over to the table.


"Hey," she smiled and got up to shake my hand.

"We can't touch," I said sitting down.

"Why not?" She pouted.

"It's the rules." Even though I don't get visitors, I know the rules. I try my best to follow them all so that I won't get in trouble with the guards but then again I don't follow them so that I don't get in trouble with the other prisoners here. It's very confusing.

"My name is Nicki, I'm a journalist for TIME magazine and I'd like to interview you. I don't want this to be strictly business, I want us to be able to talk to each other. I figured you have enough rules in your life."

"Knowles. I already know what you're going to ask: no I didn't kill him."

"Oh ok, I actually wanted to start with your prison lifestyle."

"This isn't a life style. A life style has eight basic groups, four of which I can't have and the other four I can't do without someone constantly watching me. I didn't choose this. In all actuality I don't know how I do it sometimes."

"That literally sounds psychotic."

"No that is psychotic is how the banging of a gavel can take everything you have. Even your friends. I could be in here for many other things but I'm here for something I didn't do."

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"Sure, I...why are you here?"

"I'm here to interview you."

"I know but why? Why me? There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of people that you could be doing this to."

"They didn't tell you?"

"Obviously not," I said.

"They're reopening your case. You may be getting out very soon."

"Oh wow. You think after being in this fucking hell hole for three years they'd at least tell you if you're getting out or not."

"That's how you would describe this?"

"It doesn't get any better."

"I thought you would at least be excited," she said. I looked at her with a straight face.

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