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When the time comes, be ready.

"Solange, I need you to listen. I don't have time much time left on this phone. What did you do with my old stuff?"

"It's in storage."

"Even my ID and my credit cards?"

"No that's over at mom's house."

"Ok, I need you to go get my drivers license. Then go to the car lot on Ventura see if Camron is there. Tell him Bey sent you. Show him the ID and tell him 'dream car.' He'll know what I'm talking about. Then go the apartments on Sunshine and tell the landlord apartment twenty-three. Understand?"

"Car lot on Ventura, Camron, dream car. Apartments on Sunshine, number twenty-three. Is that everything?"

"Yes, thank you so much."

"No problem. You're coming home on Thursday right?"

"If everything goes well tomorrow, yes."

"I can't wait to hug you without some random guy telling me that I've been holding you for too long."

"That really does suck but not for much longer."

"You have thirty seconds remaining on this call," the automated voice said.

"I love you, BB."

"I love you too, Solo." The line went dead and I sighed hanging the phone up. I only had a soft spot for one person in this entire world and that was Solange. It was late and I was supposed to be in my dorm, however, I'm not. There was a plan I needed to execute. I went back to my bunk and grabbed my toiletries bag. Washington was already on her bed combing her hair.

"Hey, do you have that toothbrush?"

"Why do you need my toothbrush? You have your own."

"Not your toothbrush, that toothbrush."

"Oh..." she checked to see if there were any guards around then she took the toothbrush with the razor blade melted into it. She handed it to me and I dropped it in my bag.

"Thank you," I hugged her lightly before sitting on my bed. I waited twenty minutes after lights out to move to B dorm. The guard in the cubicle was asleep so I quietly went to find Carson. Once I found her I made sure her bunkmate was sleeping before I pulled out the half toothbrush half razor blade. I slowly drug the blade down Carson's cheek watching as it bled. I put it back in my bag and started to walk back to my bunk.

"Inmate, wait!" I froze and slowly turned around to the guard.

"Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom," I answered.

"Lights just went out. Why are you outside of your bunk."

"Because I had to use the bathroom."

"Is that an attitude I hear inmate?"

"I will write you a shot in-"

"Call me an inmate one more fucking time."

"Verbal assault, three shots."

"You must really like your own damn handwriting huh?"

"Would you like three more?"

"Shit, I don't-"

"What's going on here?"

"Nothing of your concern CO Rowland."

"Knowles, would you like to explain?"

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