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'I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we are all doomed, and that there'll come a day will all of our work will turn to dust. I know the sun will swallow the only earth we have and I know that I'm in love with you.'

"What happened?" Solo asked, handing me my gun wrapped in a scarf and my MacBook.

"Kelly took Nicki and now she has to go."

"Took as in kidnap?"

"As in jail."

"For what?"


"Well, don't get caught. Love you BB."

"Love you too little brat."

I sighed as I zipped up my nike wind breaker. This girl was really aggravating me. It's okay for you to mess with me, do whatever you want to me, but now you want to mess with my wife? Well girlfriend for now. She'd been staring at me through her tinted windows for the past ten minutes, biting her lip and winking. She's very fucking delusional. I pulled myself together and got out of the car. She finished whatever she was doing then got out.

"It would've been so much better if I had you in there with me baby." I rolled my eyes and pulled out my gun.


"Beyoncé," she mocked me. I raised my eyebrow and raised the gun to her head.

"Why do you have that?"

"Because you keep disrespecting me like I'm one of these hoes that you fuck with regularly. That's fine though because I have people that will do this for me and all I have to do is say the word so keep fucking playing with me if you want to. You know I was about to let you slide but your dumb ass wants to come for my girlfriend. I should shoot you or hit you with my car. Or cut you until you go from bleeding to seeping. Oops are those death threats to an officer. Go ahead and lock me up with Nicki and make sure I'm in the same processing room with her. Oh yeah, I know about that."


"Oh um my ass. It's time for you to go."
Monday Morning
I took a deep breath before walking through the big double doors.

"Last name?" The officer behind the glass wall asked.

"Maraj." He nodded and started typing on his little computer.

"Five thousand. Cash only." I rolled my eyes and handed him the stacks of money. He quickly counted it and sent a message through his walkie talkie thing.

"Take a seat. She'll be out in ten minutes." I nodded and sat down. This was going to be the longest ten minutes ever. I hadn't seen my baby since Friday. I didn't get to hold her and ask her about her day. I didn't get to have breakfast with her or have her for breakfast. I didn't get to kiss her forehead as she was sleeping or carry her up to the room when she fell asleep on the couch. I didn't get to hear her little cackle of a laugh or see her pout when I said something about her nose. I didn't get to wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her until she stopped pouting and started kissing me back. The ten minutes seemed like ten years but eventually she came out and immediately into my arms. I picked her up and kissed her temple.

"I was so worried about you baby girl. Are you okay? Are you hungry? Are you tired? Did she touch you? Did you cut her ass like I told you? Did you return my shit? Are you--"

"Shh," she interrupted me, "just hold me."

"Okay." She put her face in my neck then took a deep breath in.

"Mm, you smell like home and...bacon. Did you have bacon?"

"I tried to cook bacon."

"Oh my gosh, is the house okay?"

"Damn, yes I'm fine Onika."

"I know that I'm worried about my bags that are in there."

"Of course you are," I laughed.

Although Nicki seemed pretty calm in the lobby, now she won't talk to me. I hope she's not mad at me. She's never been mad at me. What do I do to fix it?

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She answered dryly keeping her focus on the stars.

"No you're not. Talk to me." She ignored me and kept looking at the sky.

"Do you see the constellations?"


"Onika, what's wrong?" She ignored me again.


"Nikaaaa," I whined.


"Come talk to me babe."

"Why do you have that knife thingy?"

"For protection."

"Who hurt you Bey?" Her face expressed concern.

"A lot of people."

"Baby," she whined.


"How did they hurt you, love?"

"That was for physical pain. I knew that hurting myself wouldn't have helped. In there that would've made it worse. So when people started trying to hit me for looking in their general direction for too long or trying to rape me because that's a thing, I pulled that out. I used it once or twice for people who didn't believe that I would actually use that."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just figured you'd ask about it in your little article."

"Does that make you uncomfortable?"

"It did at first but now I'm doing it with my lovely girlfriend."

"Why don't you take your lovely girlfriend upstairs and lay with her until she falls asleep."

"Come on my princess."

"I like that name," she smiled.

"As long as you keep calling me daddy."

Any predictions?
No seriously I need ideas.

Excuse any mistakes!

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