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Time Magazine

November 20th, 2017

Onika Maraj

I initially started this article on November 20th, 2015 but twelve unfinished papers later here we are on the exact same day two years later. The way this story unfolds is very unique.

I was told to do a story on a prisoner that was innocent but wouldn't be heard. In a local prison, the name Beyoncé Knowles caught my attention. I went to talk to her a few times right before she went for a hearing. I attended that too. As it turns out she was locked away for three years for self-defense. Could you imagine that?

With the hit of a gavel, she was stripped of her freedom, her friends, her clothes, her jewelry her shoes, her family, etc. Everything thing she had was gone. She was put in a holding cell then taken to a federal prison the following Monday. Case closed, stamped and put away for three years.

I couldn't either but the person I lay next to at night has. And that is insane. Think about being in prison for a crime that you honestly didn't commit. Horrible right? Think about the thousands of people that have to go through this as well.

Beyoncé was unique, apart from her name of course. She seemed to have everything under control but she didn't. She was braking every single minute of her day. That interested me.

Knowing that I'm not okay but having no one to tell. Doesn't seem like the best thing in the world but it happened. Not for one night in a holding cell when your parents don't want to hear about that party but not for nearly as long as some people that are in there right now that would be lucky to even read this. But enough about me trying to show outsiders the compelling thoughts I had when I first got to know Beyoncé. Let's hear from her.

So I'm supposed to write another bullshit ass ending to my already fucked up story. But that's exactly how I got where I did. Because people were writing different parts to my story when it was MY story. I'll have such a unique story to tell my kids though especially the part where I met their mother in prison. So interesting.

Honestly, I've never gotten to write my own story before so this should be fun. I was told to talk about my experience but since it's my story I thought, fuck it. You already heard about the sleeping next to murderers and whoever else was in there. I guess people thought the same about me, I was once a "murderer." I'm ready to talk about what happened afterward. Once I got out of prison I soon realized two things: there'd been too many new iPhones and I grew tired of being emotionless.

I met Onika in prison and the first thing I told myself was to not like her if that makes sense. I guess I just denied myself heaven. I considered myself undeserving. I was afraid of love because I thought it wants possible for someone like me. But Onika is the love of my life. We obviously had our ups and downs but made it through. And I'd like to thank you for sticking with me.

Honestly, I don't know what I would be doing right now if I wasn't with Onika. Probably stuck in that cell again or doing things that would get me in that cell again. If you want to know what I did, google me.

And I know that this probably won't make the final cut or whatever of the paper but baby girl, turn around.

I read the last part out loud then turned around to face Beyoncé where she was patiently on one knee.

"Bey, get up." I slightly rolled eyes and turned my chair back around.

"Now we can take out the curse words the Beyoncé so tastefully-"

"I'm dead ass baby girl." She twirled my chair back around and took my hands into hers.

"What, I'm in the middle of something."

"Okay fine." She let go of my hands and got up, dusting herself off.

"Thank you," I mouthed to her. She just nodded.

"Any further issues Ms. Knowles?"


"Oh my gosh, what now?" I asked.

"You don't have my last name," she shrugged sliding me a velvet box. I took it and slide it back. She groaned and pulled me outside the room with her.

"Bey, I was working."

"Give me your left hand." She snatched my left hand from the side of my body.

"Say yes."


"That's not yes."

"Yes." She opened the box and shoved a ring down my ring fingers almost jamming it.

"Okay cool, now go in there and tell them to change your damn name." I nodded and started to walk away.

"Onika," she called out to me.


"Fix your fucking attitude."

"Yes, daddy."



"Why'd you have to do it like that baby?"

"Like what?"

"Like you told me what to say."

"Yeah because you had an attitude for no reason."

"Are we telling your sister?"

"We can go scream it from the fucking rooftops if that's what you want."


"In the kitchen!"

"Stop yelling!" I helped Onika put her hair into a messy bun before walking her to the kitchen.

"You yelled?"

"Oh yes, we have something to tell you."

"Aw shit, what is it?"

"Watch your language child."

"What is ittt?"

"We're getting married!"

"Aww, congratulations Nika!" They did their little girly thing with the when are we going to start planning, is she excited and other on the spot questions. I don't know shit about planning a wedding but I do want to help my baby girl out as much as possible. I don't want her having all the stress on her. She knows she's getting everything her way but I know she'll want me to "help" her pick things out.

"Did you ask in a special way BB?"

"I was planning to but Onika had a freaking attitude so I just told her to say yes and gave her the ring."

"Aw so sweet."

"Yeah, I know."

"Solo are you staying here or coming with us?"

"Where are we going, Nicki?"

"You'll see when we get there."

"Yeah, just give me twenty minutes." She dropped her plate in the sink and hurried upstairs.

"Where are we going baby girl?"

"To scream it from the fucking rooftops."

"Aw, I love you Onika."

"I love you too Beyoncé."

The End 

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