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Truthfully, I could talk about you all day and all night and I'll still have a million more things to say. But too many words become meaningless, so I'll just leave it at this: you're the most wonderful person I've met, even if you don't believe it.

She looked me up and down before pushing her lips against mine. She slid her tongue against my bottom lip then she gently bit it. I moaned slightly, parting my lips. She slipped her tongue in my mouth running it along the roof of my mouth. She picked and put me on the counter. I pulled away and inhaled sharply. She pecked my lips a few more times before moving to my jawline, then my neck.

"Beyoncé," I moaned.

"That's not my name," she said. I quickly took my shirt off and wrapped my legs around her waist, pulling her in. Her lips instantly regained contact with my skin. I shivered at her touch. She kissed down my neck and chest. I placed my hands on her back, digging my nails into it. This felt so good.

"Daddy," I moaned in her ear.

"That's better baby girl."

"Good morn- woah! Bad timing." I pulled back slightly and saw a girl that looked exactly like Beyoncé, just in a slightly darker skin tone, backing out of the room. I put my shirt back on and jumped off the counter. I literally had to jump to get down.

"You can come in now Solange!" She came back in with her eyes closed tightly.

"You can open your eyes now."

"You promise?"

"Yes, you're not going to see anything." She slowly opened her eyes and smiled when she saw us both fully clothed.

"Solange, this is Nicki. Nicki, this is Solange."

"It's nice to finally meet you Nicki."

"You too."

"Did my sister finally say something meaningful?"

"She's has a very distinctive way of showing it but yes."

"It's about damn time."

"Don't get beat up Solo."

"Don't get mad because you're catching feelings."

"I'm not catching-"

"You're not catching what?" I asked her. If I recall correctly she just told me she 'fucking likes me.'

"Nothing. I, um, need a minute." I watched as Beyoncé quickly left the room. I frowned and started to walk behind her.

"It's better if you don't follow her."


"She's in her angry stage, she'll say things that she doesn't mean and is awful at apologies. I've learned to tune out whatever she says. I'll to check in a minute. Do you want me to finish the food or no?"

"I got it. I just got distracted."

"I can tell."

You tell yourself nobody will ever love you because it's easier than admitting that someone might. It's easier to believe that you need no one than to hold on to the hope that someday you will need someone. It's so much easier to believe that you're cracked than to believe you're whole and it's so much easier to guard your heart from the very start than to let somebody in and give it the chance of being broken. So you tell yourself nobody will ever love you and it's because you're unloveable but in reality you are so lovable and someone will see that. And perhaps that terrifies you more than being alone.

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