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Reminisce, reminisce
All those feelings we seem to miss.
Yet we come so close to having it all
Just ending with one big, bad great fall.

The memories hurt us most
As often it is something
Or someone
We can't have.
Makes us feel lonely and dead,
A push to the grave.

That perhaps we always wonder
If time would stop just for a little bit
In that moment.
But time doesn't stop for anyone
Not even the ones who deserve it most.
Because the world must go on.
The sun must rise and the moon wax.

But nothing stays forever.
And while bittersweet memories
Haunt our eyes and mind
As we fall into our slumber,
Hoping to die.


e must learn to cherish every day
Like no other.
As if we were


Our souls will breath
And never forget
As the sun kissed our skin

And the moments


Life will be different from the past,
Maybe good, maybe bad.
But staying in the past
Is like putting up a thick wall of glass
Against our fragile bones.
One delicate s m a s h
Is all it takes.

And perhaps it is gone.

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