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I don't really like people.
I don't say that like the average, angsty teen you find on the internet.
When I say I don't like people, I don't like how

They constantly always break me down.
They stare and laugh,
Claim they're just poking fun
Say my eyes are too small,
My skin too yellow,
Ask me where I'm really from.
Or that I'm only smart because I'm Asian
As if my inteligence came from my race.

As if I will stand for woeful ignorance I find pitiful
Because people are getting killed for their religion,
The color of their skin
Or the thickness of their accents.

Our beliefs and cultures
How our food is sought after,
How everyone claims they
Love "exotic" food
And how "oriental" we are.
That they often say I'm Chinese and
Stutter over the pronunciation of the word "Vietnamese"
When I tell them I'm not Korean or Japanese.


You see us as this clean screen TV image with
Stereotypes and skills above and beyond.

Well you know what....
Fuck you.
Fuck you and your
Fuck you and your "ching chong changs."

Fuck you
and what you have to say
So badly, so
Repeatedly that sometimes I wish
I was never "different"
From the kids from my school,
The models from those stupid magazines,
From everyone.

Fuck it.

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