Chapter 8: Chat Noir

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Stage Crew~people that are backstage that help with props, intruments, and other things that are needed for performances
Catwalk~in this sense, it's the platforms above the stage that some of the stage crew use to help with any lights or other things that are or will be needed for performances
House~in this sense, where the audience sits
Wings~in this sense, the far right and left of the stage that is covered by the curtains that make it offstage


Plagg snapped his fingers and a green with hints of black spotlight shined directly above Adrien. When the light went away, Adrien looked above him. There wasn't a single sign of anything that could explain where the spotlight came from.

Adrien then looked down. He saw that he was now wearing a green dress shirt, a black vest, black pants, black shoes, and even black gloves. He saw some green here and there that he was positive matched his eyes.

Adrien turned around and met a full body mirror. He saw his whole ensemble. He had a green tie, black cat ears, and a black mask that he hadn't noticed before. "Am I...?" Adrien started to ask Plagg. "Yes. You are Chat Noir."

Adrien repeated the name. "Chat Noir." He liked it. He turned to Plagg. "What do I do now?"

"Just go look around. You'll figure it out." Plagg tossed another piece of camembert in his mouth. Adrien looked disgusted for a second and then went through the black door.

He pulled out a silver baton from behind him. He hadn't noticed that either. He examined it for a moment and then extended it upward. Chat Noir shot up and landed on the stage crew's catwalk. He put his baton back in place and started walking down it.

Chat Noir walked over and looked to his right and saw the house. It was huge. He then looked down and saw the stage. It was bigger than any stage he performed on.

He then went over to left side of the catwalk. He almost fell though, for there was a rail missing to hold on to and he thought that it was a path.

He looked up in front of him and saw that there was another catwalk just a few feet ahead. Chat Noir pulled back out his baton and extended it as far as he needed to make an extremely thin bridge.

He lightly stepped on it to make sure it was sturdy and then started to walk on it. "I think I'm getting the hang of this." He stopped and looked down when he heard an "ow!" There was a girl rubbing the top of her head after what he thought she accidentally hit her head with her yo-yo that was now on the ground.

She picked her yo-yo up and put it around her waist. She started walking around in amazement of everything around her. Chat Noir then started to follow her. He looked at her in amazement.

She must of been the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He saw that she was exploring places where the catwalk ended, so he jumped down so he could continue following her.

The girl went down in the house and spun around to make sure she got a full experience of the place. Chat Noir took advantage of his somewhat dark outfit and hid in the wings of the stage.

He stared at her in amazement. Probably even more than she showed looking at everything. Chat Noir watched her spin around and around multiple more times, lightening up even more when he saw her happy and excited smile.

Chat Noir didn't even know the girl's name yet. She even wore a red, black spotted mask so he may not even know her real name anytime soon. He didn't care though. {Play the video now! ;)}

Chat Noir just watched her with even more curiosity by the second. He just kept watching her. He kept watching her even when he just automatically started singing.

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