Chapter 11: We're Immortals! Just Not For Long...

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Ladybug was wondering what she was going to do. She just straightened up and took a deep breath. "Don't let fear stop you," she said to herself.

Ladybug threw her yo-yo to hook on something that way she could swing down. Once she hit the floor she yelled at Stone Heart, "Hey! You know if you just wanted to dance then you could've just asked me!"

"Hey!" Chat Noir yelled. Stone Heart dropped him on the ground and turned to face Ladybug. Stone Heart started running towards her, but Ladybug threw her yo-yo and it wrapped around his wrist that was twice the size as his normal wrist.

Ladybug ran towards him and before she ran into him she slid between his legs and yanked her yo-yo to trip him. Stone Heart then grew bigger. "What the?" Ladybug said. Chat Noir stood up. "Well let's try this again." He got ready to run but Ladybug threw her yo-yo and caught his leg to trip him. "Hey!"

"Wait! Didn't you see him get bigger once I hurt him? We have to think of something else."

Chat Noir got up. "Fight him without hurting him? How are we going to do that?" Ladybug put her finger to her chin. "I don't know."

Chat lit up. "Let's try using our powers!" Chat reached his hand up in the air. "CATACLYSM!!!"

He looked at his gloved hands that now had some sort of black colored magic coming from them. "Wow! So anything I touch gets destroyed?" Chat looked at a soccer goal that was near him. Ladybug realized what he was thinking. "Don't!" Chat touched the goal it went all black before disintegrating. Chat looked at his gloved hands again. "Cool."

Chat then shouted at Stone Heart. "Hey! Come at me!" Stone Heart stood up. Chat Noir ran, screaming towards him and touched Stone Heart's shoulder. Nothing happened.

Stone Heart got mad. "Oh! I guess I only have one shot at it." He looked up at Stone Heart and just smiled and laughed nervously.

Stone Heart reached up his fist to hit Chat Noir but was pulled to the side by Ladybug's yo-yo. "Here's some dancing lessons! Spin!" Ladybug pulled her yo-yo to make Stone Heart spin out of control and away from Chat Noir.

She ran to Chat and saw that Stone Heart caught his balance. A beeping sound caught both her and Chat Noir's attention. They both looked at his ring which now had three toes and its main print of a paw print on there.

"What's going on?" Chat asked.

"You only have one shot to use your powers and once you do you have five minutes until you change back. Didn't your agent tell you anything?"

Chat put his hand behind his head nervously and laughed nervously as well.  "Well, the thing is he didn't really tell me anything and I was a little excited."

Ladybug gave him a look and then sighed. She then looked at Stone Heart. "I wonder where that akuma is." She then noticed his right hand. Closed tight in a fist ever since she saw him. "That's it!"

"What's it?" Chat asked. Ladybug faced him. "His fist! Like the Russian dolls. There's something inside of his fist. That must be where the akuma is!"

"Nice job, but how are we going to get him to open it up?" Ladybug lit up. She threw her yo-yo up in the air. "LUCKY CHARM!!!"

A red blow up suit came down and Ladybug caught it. "Uh, what is that?" Chat asked. "A blow up suit?" Ladybug then looked around. The suit lit up in a ladybug spotted pattern, then Chat, then Stone Heart's fist, then a faucet, then Alya.

Ladybug lit up again and threw her yo-yo around Chat Noir's leg. "Don't resist! Just trust me!" She yanked her yo-yo and threw her partner at Stone Heart. "This girl is crazy!" Chat yelled. Chat's head hit something on his way to Stone Heart and music started to play. {LadyBelle: Play the video now! ;)}

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