Chapter 19: Could You Fight For Me, Ladybug?

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" What are you even talking about?" Marinette was confused. "An akuma can multiply," Tikki explained as she went closer to Marinette. "You have to purify it in order to stop that from happening."

Marinette looked at her agent with a major confused look on her face. "How am I suppose to do that?"

"So all of this is just because we didn't take care of the akuma?" Adrien tried to make sense of all of this. "Yep." Plagg popped another piece of Camembert in his mouth.

Adrien groaned in disgust.

"I have to capture the akuma in my yo-yo?" Marinette asked like she couldn't believe it. "Yes. And if you don't do it, any negative thoughts that Ivan has will make him turn back into Stone Heart. He will be able to control the other Stone Hearts as his army!" "Ivan!" Marinette remembered why she was out there. "Second time today! I've got to find Ivan!"

Marinette started to run off and started to shout Ivan's name. After a while, she found him. Hiding by the lockers. "Ivan! There you are!" Marinette ran and knelt down next to him. "Are you okay?" "It's all my fault. This happened because of me. Myléne will never see like me," Ivan pouted.

"No! No negative emotions Ivan!" Ivan looked at Marinette. "What I mean is, think positive. You like Myléne, right?" Ivan nodded. "Why don't you just tell her?" Ivan looked at Marinette. "I've tried multiple times, but words always fail me." "I know how you feel," Marinette said to herself, but still to the point where Ivan could hear. "Well then why not try a different way? How about using music?"

"I could write her a song?"

"Yes! What more could I girl want than a song written just for her? Go for it!"

"I have it right here, but I was wanting you to help me." Ivan handed Marinette a crumpled piece of paper. Similar to what the note that had the akuma looked like.

Marinette looked at it. "I think if it comes from he heart, that's all that matters." Marinette presses the paper to Ivan's chest. "Really?" Ivan asked. "Really." Marinette smiled warmly.

"Ivan? Are you alright?" Marinette and Ivan looked toward the entrance to the lockers. "That's Myléne. Good luck." Marinette stood up and went to another room that was connected to the lockers.

"Ivan? Ivan! There you are! Are you alright?"

"Myléne. I have a song for you."

Myléne blushed a little.

"Myléne! Be serene! No. Be serene!"

Myléne covered her ears and ran out the door. Ivan stopped singing and crumpled up the paper. He sat down devastated. Marinette was about to go out to comfort him when she saw an akuma fade into the ball of paper.

Marinette quickly retracted her steps and pressed her back against the wall. Marinette was in shock. She did it. She made him think negative. She made him get akumatized again. It was her fault.

She felt the floor shaking. She made herself look. Ivan was Stone Heart again.

"What was that?!" Adrien turned around and saw that Stone Heart was back. He then turned back to Plagg. "I've got to purify that akuma!" "You can't kid." Adrien stopped. "Why not?"

"You know that you have to go after him right?" Marinette turned around and saw Tikki. "It's all my fault, Tikki! I'm the reason he got akumatized again!"

"You didn't do it on purpose."

"But I did it! Maybe I wasn't right for this job. You have to pick someone else!"

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