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In a land called Druvek, the king of Burmoore was speaking to his daughter on the edge of the dense forest.

"Don't go too far, we don't want to you getting lost, then we would have to send out a search party and your father doesn't want to do such a thing" he ordered her. The king's hands huge on the six year olds slim and boney shoulders.

"Why not?" she protested.

"Because that would start a panic within the kingdom" the sternness of his voice made her role her eyes.

"Do you understand Marina?"

Marina gave a slight and quick nod indicating to her father that she would obey his orders. King Ufen stood slowly and smiled at his daughter. Her bright red lips parted to smile back, before she bounded off into the trees.

The uneven ground made it more challenging for Marina's thin leather shoes and the twigs kept grasping at her grey veil holding her back. Increasing speed, her blood red velvet dress flew back with the wind, the thick and heavy necklace around her neck weighing her head down, her brown hair started to fall from its braid on top of her head. Though all these things didn't matter to her, she felt free, she felt that for once, she was able to escape her responsibilities of being the kingdom of Burmoore princess and just be herself. She knew that behind her, the kingdom slowly got further and further away.

Just around the narrow corner of mossy rocks and soft grass was her favourite spot to be in the entire kingdom. A large river ran down through the body of the forest, stopping at a massive rock, hollowed out by many years of erosion. To Marina, the rivers were veins flowing blood to the heart. The rock heart covered in slippery moss, with small hollow caves only small beings could fit through, untouched and bothered by none.

Stopping for a moment to take in the sight Marina sat by the flowing water bending her legs under herself. The smell of the fresh air, the touch of the soft, cool moss, the sight of all the bright sparkling rocks was such a relief from her usual bustling paths, tall stone towers and well and unwell dressed people.

Running her hand under the flowing water sent cold shocks up her hand. For a moment, she bent her head back slowly and closed her eyes listening, breathing, thinking of nothing. Marina must have sat like that for minuets, before she realised how long she had been there for.

"Oh no" she yelped. Her father would be waiting for her, wondering were she is, probably even sending a search party out now. Lifting her self from the ground and taking one last deep breath in Marina started running back. The wet rocks were difficult to run across, but she could not slow down. About to turn the corner she lost her footing on one of the mossy rocks and fell, she hit hard, her head hitting the hardest.

Marina lay on the rocks, eyes shut, within the place she loved most.

The cold is what woke Marina up. Her eyes fluttered open, it took her a few seconds to realise that it was night. The sky was a dark blue, dotted by silver lights, the moon shone brightly through the canopy. Head throbbing, knees wobbling she stood, leaning against a tree for support. It was cold, really cold, and Marinas dress did not cover much. She pulled the veil from top of her head and wrapped it around her arms in the hope to obtain some form of warmth. She started walking, though she didn't know what way, or to where.

Marina searched for memories, dreams, anything that could tell her where she was...and even who she was. She didn't remember anything, not her name, nor where she was, not even her age. In an attempt to find some form of civilisation she headed towards where she saw the most light.

She must of been walking for hours, the moon was about to leave her, and the sun about to greet her. A bright shine of light caught her eyes, turning she saw that below a small hill was a light, a candle lamp being held by someone. Her hopes brightened as she ran towards the light. As she got closer she recognised that the person holding the lamp was a woman. The woman had black red hair, red like blood, her slim face indicated she was young but still mature, her long dark dress and cloak portrayed the signs of a wealthy lady.


"Sweety, where have you been?" the woman interrupted.

"Pardon?" She asked in confusion.

"Onyxia i have been looking for you for hours," the woman said, she grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into a hug, "oh my daughter, you are freezing, lets get you to the carriage" the woman exclaimed.

She was terribly confused, her name was Onyxia, and this was her mother. It must be true, shouldn't it? Her mother grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her away.

The carriage was lined with dark and dusty velvet, the seats cushioned with warn out lining and dark wood structured the carriage. Facing her mother, Onyxia stared.

The woman stared up from her book,

"What is it my darling?" she asked her, setting her book aside. She hesitated, but why did she hesitate.

"I do not remember anything, i do not remember how i got in the forest, i do not remember myself, i do not remember you...i do not remember my life" the thought of it all was rushing into her, the strength and heaviness of it weighing down at her.

The woman leaned forward and placed her hand on her knee.

"My sweet daughter, let me explain. You are Onyxia, you are six years of age and i am your mother. We live in the beautiful kingdom of Vareska of the country of Druvek in which i rule. You are the princess of Vareska Onyxia, why else do you wear such beautiful clothes?" the woman of red hair explained.

She peered down to her clothes, it was so realistic, so truthful.

"So ... Mother-"

"Uhuh you call me Mistress, i call you daughter, not mother, it makes me feel old and weak" Onyxia's mother spat. Onyxia hesitated before she said anything else.

"Mistress, may i ask what your real name is?" she finally asked. Her mother turned to her slowly and leaned in slightly as if to whisper.

"Myname is Morrigan."    

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