Chapter 8

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Entering the Morrigan's throne room once more was still a scary thought. The wall of open windows let in a cool afternoon breeze, the heavily armed and fierce warriors stood at different positions around the room. My hands were balled in tight fists, helping to keeping my emotions under my control. Morrigan - with her legs crossed and dark eyes glowing with power - smiled at me. I kneeled at her feet.

"Mistress" I addressed.

She shuffle herself forwards on her throne looking down at me with serious eyes. "You know what needs to be done my child. You must kill the one who has not done his part of our deal and take it from him. You shall be heading to Burmoore at dusk and you will not be going alone, I am sending Cartren to watch over you to ensure you return home," Morrigan ordered. I felt hollow and empty with each word that she spoke.

"Yes Mistress, it shall be done." I stood, slowly turning my back and walking from the room.

"Oh and Onyxia," I heard her say, I turned my head towards her, "I suggest you use the phoenix blade, so that his soul is kept safe," she finished. I bowed my head softly and proceeded to exit the throne room. I kept my head low as I walked back to my chambers, my eyes stinging, signaling on coming tears.

The dim light of the Burmoore forest was a sight, the silver gleam of the moon reflecting off the flowing river. To come back was a nerving experience, I didn't know what to feel. If I was coming back under different terms, maybe things wouldn't be so bad, but that is not the reason why I have returned.

A figure crouched next to the river, the corner of his red robes touching the waters surface. It was my father, the king. I couldn't bare looking at him, knowing what I had to do. I kept my body still in the old oak trees. The king stood from the water and turned my way, I could see his eyes, old, wise; they had seen so many battles, so much hatred and blood shed. He walked forward into the trees, engulfed by the darkness. I could feel Cartren watching me, his beady black eyes staring at me, waiting for me to act.

The king passed underneath me, he was so close. I took a moment to breathe before I pulled the Phenoix blade from its sheath. I stood on the thick branch watching the king slowly proceed towards his kingdom upon the horizon. My foot moved forward off of the branch, pulling the rest of my body along with it.

I landed on the ground quietly, the king now only a few metres away. Carefully I pulled a small dagger from my pocket. I looked up at the king, his movements, his stride, his affectionate aura. I stomped my foot on the ground, grabbing his attention. He turned quickly, though I was quicker. I flung the dagger, its target hitting the collar of the king's robes pinning him to a tree. I strode up to him, breathing heavily to keep myself from breaking.

I brought the Phoenix blade into his sight.

His old eyes stared at me, I could see fear in them, but understanding. His hands relaxed from their tight fisted balls. His arms rose beside him welcoming in the cold arms of death.

"I am ready," he sighed, my eyes burned, stinging with tears, my chest rising and falling fast. I leveled my blade up and close my eyes. Letting out a deep shout I drove the long blade through his chest. A low breath of air escaped from his throat, dark, thick blood staining his red robes a darker shade. His knees buckled as he started to tumble to the ground. I rested my hand behind his back lowering him slowly to the soft grass beneath our feet. I removed the blade from his chest, the king releasing a slight gasp. I chocked back tears as blood flowed from the wound. The king choked, coughing up blood that splattered across his chin.

"I am sorry father," I whispered to him, his mouth opened, a dark relisation coming to the surface. I lifted my bloody hand to lower my hood. My hair fell out of its place behind my neck, the caramel strands resting against my father's bloody chest.

"Marina, my daughter," he choked out, his hand raised to my cheek and cupped it softly. I placed my hand on top of his locking it in, warmth slowly fading form his hand. I couldn't hold the tears in much longer, so I let them fall.

"It is ok. I understand now, I understand everything." His voice was calm and gentle.

"No," I cried.

"It had to be done. I knew this day would come, for me to get to see your face again. At least now I can be with your mother, I shall tell her about you, about how you came home to me, to us, the kingdom." His voice was slipping away.

"Please, please," I whispered to the heavens.

"Marina." I looked down. "You will be alright my darling, I will be with you always, and forever. I love you my daughter, I love you." I sucked in deep breaths, the Phoenix blade rested atop of his heart.

"I love you too, father" I sighed. A soft smile spread upon his lips, I closed my eyes and I plunged the blade into his heart, his breath drawing short. I let out a loud cry. I just killed him, the last of my blood. I felt hollow, empty, sickness attacking me. I lifted my head to the dark night sky. I felt the rumble of power within my throat; I opened up my mouth to scream. A loud piercing shriek left my throat, the ground rumbled, trees shook, the gold charms around my fathers neck clanged together. Birds flew from their sheltered canopies to escape the shake. All my emotions left me into this one scream, everything over my life, the whole, cruel puzzle, laid out in front of me, the pieces fitting together to create a picture of pain. I wanted to die, to be with my family, but I knew I could not do that especially to Onysious, and my child. I drew the blade form his heart. I placed my hand on his chest and snatched a gold coin pendant with the Burmoore crest off of his neck. The warm pendant - with a small, embedded mermaid- looked back at me. I held it tight within my plan as I turned and released my wings, lifting from the ground and proceeding back towards Vereska.

TheMorrigans payment, in hand.   

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