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His small little fingers wrapped around Onysious's index finger, letting out a low laugh. Alexander wriggled in my arms, a grunt sounding from his throat. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, the Mother, one of the triple goddesses - which includes my mother - stood behind me smiling at my child. Alexander's eyes opened, crystal blue, like that of the Burmoore River. The Mother smiled at him, she had been visiting often when I was in my late stages of child bearing, and was present when I delivered Alexander, she was there to guide me through my pain.

"He is a healthy child Onyxia, he will grow up to be big and strong, warrior. I can already see the power radiating off of him," she said, her voice was a soothing touch.

I had never felt such happiness, to be holding my next of kin within my arms, his little chubby body safe in my arms. He will grow up strong, powerful, with a father of great strength and a mother who has such power that he is sure to be safe his entire life. His little hand reached up towards my neck and grabbed the Burmoore coin. I could feel my father's presence with me, watching over my son and me. Forever and eternity. I rested my head onto Onysious's shoulder. And in that moment, I knew that I had gotten, what I had always really craved for... Love.

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