Chapter 5

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"My lord, the sorcerous is here," The guard announced to the king. He stood from his throne as the doors opened and a dark skin girl with caramel hair glided into the throne room. Her dark crimson robs flowed behind her along the ground, her eyes bright and full of magic. Conspiring with those of magic isn't a very noble thing for a king to do, but the king of Burmoore was desperate for answers, and only a sorceress could get them.

"Tatia, thank you for coming" he thanked the sorcerous.

"Of course my lord" she bowed. The guards were ordered before her arrival to keep close watch on this one. She was powerful and tricky, but trustworthy to the kingdom of Burmoore. The smirk on her face made the king uncomfortable.

Tatia took a few steps forward.

"Have you got the hair?" she asked. The king pulled from his waist a leather piece of cloth; he unrolled it and with it came two tuffs of hair. One was short, the other longer. They were both the same colour: light brown.

The sorcerous grabbed both pieces from the king and kneeled down on the floor. On the cold stone she laid down both pieces of hair. The king hurried to watch Tatia. Her hand slipped down her chest and pulled out a necklace with a symbol of magic carved in wood. She grasped her hand around it, closed her eyes and mumbled a few words, a prayer almost. The king watched impatiently as she acted out her ways of magic. A gasp sounded from Tatia, her eyes flying open to show gleaming bright irises. Her hand flung over the pieces of hair.

The king knelt fast in front of the sorcerous. "This hair here," she said, her left hand over the short fiber,

"Youthful, pure, innocent and happy."

"But this one," she directed, her right hand to the longer hair,

"Is older, confusion, fear, taken. Though there is a dark side to it, I can't tell what it is" she mumbled.

"Tell me, I need to know. I need to know if the princess is my daughter Marina."

"There is extreme chance she is, I can see the same pattern and biological colours in each, but the longer one is much more darker"

"Please, I must know what it is" the king ordered to the sorcerous.

Her face scrunched hard in concentration and focus. Her hands trembled and shook. A small red line fell from her nose and onto her lips.

She breathed out, drawing her hands back. "I can not, its too powerful. Such dark powerful magic blocks me like a castle wall"

"You must keep going, you must" the king ordered, his voice started to rise, anger and rage building slowly.

The sorcerous looked up at him worryingly. Her head bowed down again as she proceeded on. Her body shook, her hands waved. It wasn't too long until more blood poured from her nose, her ears, and her mouth. Tatia let out loud grunts from her throat.

"KEEP GOING" the king yelled.

Tatia screamed, her head thrown back, blood pouring from her eyes. The wooden symbol started to crack and burn. Then she was still, her head wobbled and her hands fell to her side, until her body fell to the floor. The king gasped and made his way to her side, she was dead. Guilt filled the king, though the feeling was pushed back by the knowledge that his daughter had returned.

Young feet ran along old ground. Bright open forest, a large river flowing crystal clear water over rocks. A hole in a rock, mossy stones and singing birds that nestled up in their nests.

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